On Wed, 27 Feb 2008 22:49:37 +1300, Alan Liefting
Post by Alan LieftingPost by BrentCOn Tue, 26 Feb 2008 08:51:26 +1300, Alan Liefting
Post by Alan LieftingThe Greenpeace Ship Rainbow Warrior will be in port at Lyttelton (No 3
Jetty) for Easter weekend, and open to the public, 10-4 on the 21, 22, &
24 March.
The terroist ship should get locked up and all the terroists on board
deported back to never never land
wots a terroist?
sounds terro-ble!
Someone who defies international and national laws made by the
democratically elected etc
but hey - who cares - as long as I keep producing so that the
unproductive parasites can keep on telling us how we are wasting
everything while they collect their benefits.