2008-06-10 02:22:50 UTC
President Bush - Guilty of Impeachable Offense Warranting Removal
Breaking: 'President George W. Bush, by such conduct, is guilty of
impeachable offense warranting removal from office.' Kucinich
introduces Bush impeachment resolution 09 Jun 2008 Democratic Rep.
Dennis Kucinich took to the House of Representatives floor on Monday
evening to introduce a 35-count resolution to impeach President [sic]
George W. Bush. Kucinich claimed Bush "fraudulently" justified the
on Iraq and misled "the American people and members of Congress to
believe Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction so as to
manufacture a false case for war." "President George W. Bush, by such
conduct, is guilty of an impeachable offense warranting removal from
office," Kucinich said.
Breaking: 'President George W. Bush, by such conduct, is guilty of
impeachable offense warranting removal from office.' Kucinich
introduces Bush impeachment resolution 09 Jun 2008 Democratic Rep.
Dennis Kucinich took to the House of Representatives floor on Monday
evening to introduce a 35-count resolution to impeach President [sic]
George W. Bush. Kucinich claimed Bush "fraudulently" justified the
on Iraq and misled "the American people and members of Congress to
believe Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction so as to
manufacture a false case for war." "President George W. Bush, by such
conduct, is guilty of an impeachable offense warranting removal from
office," Kucinich said.