2006-05-05 14:12:58 UTC
As many of us know, climate change is becoming a serious problem, with
every passing year the threat and evidence of it becomes clearer and
clearer. In 2005 alone, we recorded the hottest year on record, more
powerful and plentiful hurricanes since we began recording them, and a
record loss of glaciers and arctic/Antarctic ice.
While these problems and their consequences become clearer and
clearer, our governments, as usual have done little to combat or even
acknowledge the problems.
Since coming to power, Stephen Harper has done the following, in
regards to climate change
· Stated that he will find a way for us to get out of Kyoto,
even though we are bound to it by International Law
· Canceling the one-tonne challenge
· He has cut funding to a wide variety of environmental groups
contracted to urge people to practice a cleaner lifestyle to help the
· Pulled funding on wind power
· Scrapped the 260 million the Liberals promised to give the
UN to fight climate change.
· Put us into a climate pact with the six worst polluters in
the world, where the conditions are all voluntary and nothing is
required for cutting greenhouse gases
They have stated that they want a plan that reduces greenhouse gases
over the course of many decades, not in seven years as the Kyoto Accord
dictates. Unfortunately, we do not have that kind of time.
Studies have shown that polar ice will be gone as early as 2025 or as
late as 2060, with the loss of the ice, we will lose one of our
Canadian symbols; the polar bear. What is troublesome is that no one
cares. Everyday as I walk home, I see hundreds of cars going by with
one occupant, spewing out harmful toxins that destroy our ozone (there
was an 8% loss of it over Canada this year alone), pollute our air, and
warm our Earth.
The Harper government has to be pressured to take a stand on climate
change, to not give in to big businesses, which care more about
financial gain than the state of the world we will leave to our
children and our grandchildren.
Do you want to have to explain to your grandchildren what a polar bear
was? Do you want to explain to them why we let our world's environment
become a mess and why we let our paradise become lost?
I know I do not.
I would like to request if it is possible for your newspaper to do a
piece about this, to help me garner support.
The line in the sand has to be drawn now, our government will not be
the ones to do it, and so it is up to us as citizens to make the
This is what I propose, we protest, all together, collectively as one
Canadian voice on August 26 2006. In every city, town, province and
territory, we raise our voice so that the government can hear. We have
rallies, marches, and make our voice heard so that the government will
have no choice but to listen to us.
As ordinary citizens, we forget that the true power lies not with the
government, but with us. We dictate the direction of our country; we
dictate what we want Canada to be, and how we want the rest of the
world to view us.
So please, help me organize a Climate Change Day on August 26 2006.
With rallies, events, marches, and protests we can really change things
and maybe save the environment from Stephen Harper.
Alternatively, for more information please visit:
I would like to get a nationwide event organized with media coverage.
We have the power to change the world; we just have not realized it
Craig Baird.
Edmonton, Alberta
every passing year the threat and evidence of it becomes clearer and
clearer. In 2005 alone, we recorded the hottest year on record, more
powerful and plentiful hurricanes since we began recording them, and a
record loss of glaciers and arctic/Antarctic ice.
While these problems and their consequences become clearer and
clearer, our governments, as usual have done little to combat or even
acknowledge the problems.
Since coming to power, Stephen Harper has done the following, in
regards to climate change
· Stated that he will find a way for us to get out of Kyoto,
even though we are bound to it by International Law
· Canceling the one-tonne challenge
· He has cut funding to a wide variety of environmental groups
contracted to urge people to practice a cleaner lifestyle to help the
· Pulled funding on wind power
· Scrapped the 260 million the Liberals promised to give the
UN to fight climate change.
· Put us into a climate pact with the six worst polluters in
the world, where the conditions are all voluntary and nothing is
required for cutting greenhouse gases
They have stated that they want a plan that reduces greenhouse gases
over the course of many decades, not in seven years as the Kyoto Accord
dictates. Unfortunately, we do not have that kind of time.
Studies have shown that polar ice will be gone as early as 2025 or as
late as 2060, with the loss of the ice, we will lose one of our
Canadian symbols; the polar bear. What is troublesome is that no one
cares. Everyday as I walk home, I see hundreds of cars going by with
one occupant, spewing out harmful toxins that destroy our ozone (there
was an 8% loss of it over Canada this year alone), pollute our air, and
warm our Earth.
The Harper government has to be pressured to take a stand on climate
change, to not give in to big businesses, which care more about
financial gain than the state of the world we will leave to our
children and our grandchildren.
Do you want to have to explain to your grandchildren what a polar bear
was? Do you want to explain to them why we let our world's environment
become a mess and why we let our paradise become lost?
I know I do not.
I would like to request if it is possible for your newspaper to do a
piece about this, to help me garner support.
The line in the sand has to be drawn now, our government will not be
the ones to do it, and so it is up to us as citizens to make the
This is what I propose, we protest, all together, collectively as one
Canadian voice on August 26 2006. In every city, town, province and
territory, we raise our voice so that the government can hear. We have
rallies, marches, and make our voice heard so that the government will
have no choice but to listen to us.
As ordinary citizens, we forget that the true power lies not with the
government, but with us. We dictate the direction of our country; we
dictate what we want Canada to be, and how we want the rest of the
world to view us.
So please, help me organize a Climate Change Day on August 26 2006.
With rallies, events, marches, and protests we can really change things
and maybe save the environment from Stephen Harper.
Alternatively, for more information please visit:
I would like to get a nationwide event organized with media coverage.
We have the power to change the world; we just have not realized it
Craig Baird.
Edmonton, Alberta