NZ —> Nándor Steven Tánczos (Táncos) (666) \ He Puna Manawa Ltd.
(too old to reply)
Ras Mikaere Enoch Mc Carty
2011-12-22 19:08:01 UTC
New Zealand Parliament
Ex-M.P. For The Green Party
Nándor Steven Tánczos (Táncos) (666)

With A Serpent Lucifer (Dragon) Snake Tattoo Upon
His Left Arm, The Fuming Drugged-Out Nándor Steven
Tánczos (Táncos) (666) Who Used To Be A Member
Of Parliament, Under The Banner Of The Marxist
Soylent Greens, Is The Co-Founder Of The Hemp Store Aotearoa,
Along With Chris Fowler And Mike Finlayson, Which Sold Then, And
To This Date, Totally Dangerous Drugs That Are Dangers To Young
Lungs, And Older, With Totally Toxic Chemicals, And Notably Cancer
Causing Tar. EMPHYSEMA !

Nice Legacy You Got There Nándor !
Not Content With Just Cannabis, Nándor Sets Up A Business Catering
To Every Form Of Un-Natural Synthetic High Imaginable - Party Pills,
Synthetic Pharmaceutical "Highs", And Even Speaks Against Banning
Such Dangerous Substances, Destined And Promoted By Nándor To
Be Inhaled By Young Lungs And Young Minds - Wasted By Nándor !

The Legacy Of Nándor Steven Tánczos (Táncos) (666) Is Emphysema
And Un-Natural Highs Mixed With Chemical Induced Stupidity Of Which
The Drugged-Out Nándor Steven Tánczos (Táncos) (666) And His
Writings Show A Rattled Brain, And Sentence Structure That Points
To Clear Stupidity And Most Assuredly Brain Damage Due To His
'other' drugs That He Promoted In A 'High Times' Magazine Interview.
How He Was Ultimately Accepted Into The Waikato University, With His
Lack Of Proper English Grammar, Is A Study And Investigation For
Further Research !

Nándor Steven Tánczos (Táncos) 666

Soylent Green Party Marxist-Leninist Totally Bogus
Imposter Phoney Counterfeit "Rastafarian":

Nándor 6
Steven 6
Táncos 6

Nándor, After Leaving The New Zealand Parliament As A Member
Of Government Body, In Disgrace, Has Decided To Live In His
Wretched Dirty Old Hippie Bus Located Between The Waipa River
& The Hakarimata Range At Ngaruawahia In The Waikato Region.
Who Is Also Attending The University Of Waikato, Hamilton.

With A Disturbing Looking Serpent Snake Tattoo Upon His Left
Arm, Especially For Real Rastafarians In Te Aotearoa And Other
Locations, Nándor Has Recently (November 2009) Decided To Cut
Off His Fashion-Locks \ Dreadlocks And Has Burned Them. With
A Stated "Anarchist Background" And Political Agenda That
Includes His Continued Participation And Promotion Of The Soylent
Green Party Of Marxist-Leninists, The Drugged-Out Nándor Steven
Tánczos (Táncos) (666) Is The Co-Founder Of The Hemp Store
Aotearoa, Along With Chris Fowler And Mike Finlayson, Which Sold
Then, And To This Date -

Benzylpiperazine (BZP) and
Trifluromethylphenylpiperazine (TFMPP)

* Ecstasy * Frenzy * Lounge-E
* Pepe * Rapture * Nirvana
* Charge * Grunter * Kandi
* Jet * Bliss

Most Interesting Is That The Drug Testing For MDMA
Amphetamine Symptomatic BZP, And TFMPP Was Done In Hungary,
The Same Pathetic Area Of Europe That Nándor Steven Tánczos
(Táncos) (666) Genetic Line Hails From.

Synthetic Cannaboids -

* Kronic - Synthetic Cannaboid (JWH-018)
* Space V2 - Synthetic Cannaboid (JWH-018) (JWH-073) (JWH-100)
* Marihuanilla - Alternative High Chemicals
* Tribal Dance - Trippy Effect Chemicals
* Dream - Synthetic Cannaboid
* Spice - Synthetic Cannaboid (JW-018)
* Damiana - Aphrodisiac Chemicals
* Blue Lotus - Nymphae Caerulea
* Spice Diamond - More Potent Synthetic Cannaboid
* Kronic Purple Haze - (JWH-018) (RCS-04)

Ecstasy And Other Various Drug Test Kits -

Nándor Steven Tánczos (Táncos) (666) Who Is Proud To Proclaim
His Hungarian Heritage And Of The River Tisza In Hungary, Along With
His Family Tree That Is Of The Raubenheimer's, No Doubt Does Not
Want You To Know That The Derivation Of The Name Raubenheimer
(Rauber) Is To Rob, Steal, Robbers ! And Proud Of It ! The Hungarians
Who Prefer To Be Called The Magyar Are Known For Centuries Upon
Centuries As Raiding And Pillaging Europe. Their Thieving Actions Were
Stopped In 955 A.D. In The Augsburg Battle. However Their Main
Center Of Residence Is The River Tisza Area, Of Which Nándor Steven
Tánczos (Táncos) (666) Is So Quick To Pronounce His Genetic Line To
Everyone. The Same Pathetic Genetic Line That Enslaved The Slavs !
Raiders ! Their Origins Are Turkic From Croatia !

Nándor Steven Tánczos (Táncos) (666) Now Operates His Plot Against
True Rastafarians In Te Aotearoa Through His Business In Hamilton,
By The Name Of:

He Puna Manawa Ltd.
" social and political change agency "

A Clear Front, For Subversive Activities Against True Rastafarians
Like Myself, Who Like Many Other Māori In Te Aotearoa At This Very
Moment Have And Are Giving Nándor Steven Tánczos (Táncos) (666),
The Ultimatum To Get Out Of Rastafarian Theology, Movement, And
Desires To Be A Pathetic Pakeha "Rasta" Religious Leader. Nándor
Steven Tánczos (Táncos) (666) Is At This Moment Trying To Forment
Legal Restraints Against Real Rastafarians In Te Aotearoa \ NZ Who
Do Not Agree With His Evil Snake Serpent Weak-Arm Plot ! Nándor
Steven Tánczos (Táncos) (666) Is At This Moment Trying To Enact
Legislation That Will Make Alternative Real Rastafarians Such As Myself
And Other Leading Maori Rastafarians, In Conflict With The Laws That
He is Trying To Get Passed !

You 666 Beast !
You Will Be Defeated In Every Way Possible !
Nándor Steven Tánczos (Táncos) (666)

Serpent Lucifer Snake Tattoo On Nándor Steven Tánczos
(Táncos) (666), And His Totally Hypocritical Chimney Stove
Recently Built In His Old Dirty Looking Eye-Sore Hippie Bus,
Is In Direct Contradiction, A Hypocrite To The Greenhouse
Gas Issues That He Purports And Claims To Fight Against As A
Marxist-Leninist Soylent Green Party Member, Who Lives By
Parliamentary Pension !

Exactly The Reason Why The Socialist Labour Party Have Formed A Predictable
Coalition With The Marxist-Leninist Soylent Green Party, Who's Hub Is Berlin
Deutschland. The Greens Are Controlled From Deutschland !

Nándor Steven Tánczos (Táncos) (666)
Free Beer Promoting, Ecstasy 'High Times' Drug-Pusher-Promoter,
(Ecstasy = Jew Marxist Drug Mafias), TOTALLY FALSE "Rastafarian"
Needs To Be Shown For Who He Is, That Being A Horrible Example
Of What A Rastafarian Might Be. Prominent Māori Are So Upset With
His False Counterfeit Rastafarian Efforts By The Soylent Greens,
In Order To Fool And Trick Maori Into The Soylent Greens !
Nandor's Agenda Included Nothing Substantial, Except To Make Sure
His "Precious" Drug-Induced Brain Was Not Protected By A Bike Helmet.
Nandor's Own Gigantic Purple Tam Exemplifies The Advertisement That
Rastafarians Are Into Homosexuality, For Anyone Who Studies The Marxist
Leninist Soylent Greens, (Metiria Turei) Will Know That Purple Is The Code
Lesbian Marxist Colour Of The Homosexual Movement. Basically Only The
Homosexuals In The San Francisco Gay Area Of California Wear Purple,
For That Is A Fact.
A Most Eloquent Air New Zealand Staff Member Informed I Pesonally,
And Confirmed To I, That Nandor Literally Stinks With Horrid Body
Odour -- Again The Public Policy Of The Soylent Green Party, That Of
Demanding That The Population Stop Taking Showers ! Nandor Is Into
Everything Involving Dead (Grateful Dead \ Hippie) Culture, The
Marxist-Leninist Dictate Of The Soylent Greens To Promote The Idea
Of A Dead Haile Selassie, The Emperor Of Ethiopia.

Nandor Is Totally Into Eastern Mysticism And And No Doubt The
Resultant *Out Of Body Experiences* Through The Usage Of Highly
Dangerous Drugs, Of Which Nandor Does Promote The Accessibility
Of Ecstasy And Especially The Booze Hooch 'Free Beer', And You
Name It ---> A Plot By The Marxist-Leninist Soylent Greens To
Literally Destroy Any Good Image Of The Noble Maori Rastafarians
-- Who Can See Right Through His Plot. Nandor Is A Pathetic Dirty
Ass Stinky Hippie Wanna-Be Who Is Trying To Graft Onto Rastafarian
Belief Every Form Of Death Culture That Pertains To Hippies "Herbies"
The Grateful DEAD !
The Grateful Dead \ Bolshevik Jew Drug And Music Mafias

Rastafarians Are Not Into Dangerous Drugs, Nor Stinky Ass Body
Odour, Nor Phoney Rolex Watches That Are Banged Onto The
Parliamentary Podiums To Do An Exact Copy Of Nikita Khrushchev
Of Banging A Shoe In The United Nations !

It Was The Green Party Who Ultimately FRAMED ME Off Of The Radio,
As I Was A Radio Presenter (DJ), Who Was The ONLY PERSON In The
United States That Was Playing Non-Nuclear Reggae And Presenting
Programming (interviews and dialogue) That Was Promoting New Zealand's
Non-Nuclear Stance (KFJC FM \ KKUP FM - 1985-1996). I Look Back
With Such Pride That I Was In Fact Working With The New Zealand
Government (S.F. Consulate General), As They Gracefully Provided Me
With The Necessary Musics To Help Me With My Efforts, In The United
States, Where Official Government And Government Media Policy Is And
Was, To Make New Zealand Appear As The New Enemy.
The Evil Green Party Framed Me !

Ras Mikaere Enoch Mc Carty
Ambassador | Tainui Kiingitanga | Te Aotearoa
Loading Image...

2011-12-23 11:02:26 UTC
I have to agree with you about The Hemp Store selling synthetic
cannabinoid products - hardly clean and green. lol
Stan de SD
2012-01-15 22:41:10 UTC
On Dec 22 2011, 11:08 am, "Ras Mikaere Enoch Mc Carty"
Post by Ras Mikaere Enoch Mc Carty
New Zealand Parliament
Ex-M.P. For The Green Party
Nándor Steven Tánczos (Táncos) (666)
You have never even BEEN to NZ, nor does anyone there even know about
you aside from the unfortunate Kiwis who have had to read your
nonsensical crap as you continually spam your newsgroups

(For those who give a shit, here's a bit of background on this McCarty

The Ras FAQ http://www.smbtech.com/ras/

Some Frequently Asked Questions about Ras

Who is Ras?
Ras is Michael John McCarty.
Date of Birth: 11/3/62;
Race/skin color: caucasian / white;
Height and Weight: 5' 10", 140 Lbs;
Hair: brown, straight, often cut in short "Prince Valiant" style;
Beard: dark, full facial, short and well trimmed, not curly.
Sometimes wears white denim pants, white shirt, white sox and
white shoes.
Sometimes pretends speech accents, including Carribean, East
Indian, or British. These usually sound clumsy and not genuine.
Usually resides in the mid-peninsula region of the San Francisco
Bay Area.

Last known address:

The phone number has been changed since the above was posted.

Why is McCarty called Ras?

The nickname "Ras" developed from McCarty's frequent use of
Rastafarian-related pseudonyms in his Usenet and email antics. Usenet
participants from many newsgroups found the nickname "Ras" to be a
more stable referent than McCarty's constantly shifting pseudonyms.

What pseudonyms has McCarty used?

A partial list of McCarty's pseudonyms on Usenet includes:
Ras Mikael Enoch
Ras Fitaurari
Dokta Knoh
Bout Yah
R. Pelzel
Doc Pelzel
Boss Jim Gettys
Gail Zucker
File & Claw
I 'n' i
Amazing Randi and others
NEW: Spoil, as of 8/24/00.

McCarty used the name "Ras Mikael Enoch" as an broadcast pseudonym
during stints as a reggae DJ at radio stations KFJC and KKUP in the
San Francisco Bay Area. He also has used that name in Usenet postings.
The name "Mikael Enoch" refers to the archangel Mikael mentioned in
the apocryphal book of Enoch.

With the AOL user names "R. Pelzel" and "Doc Pelzel" in 1994 and
1995 McCarty unsuccessfully pretended to be a Bay Area educator who
has never had an account for access to Usenet.

With "Gail Zucker" McCarty adopted the name of a fictitious Howard
Stern radio program guest.

On August 27, 1997, McCarty, under oath in open court, admitted to
using the pseudonyms "Ras" and "Purpl Stuf" in his abortive small
claims "libel and slander" action.

Most recently, he has posted under the names "Exorcist" and
"Mikael Enoch" from Zippo. Since that account was closed by the
provider, he has resumed posting from AOL as "Mikey Kravitz, the

What usernames and hosts has McCarty used?
Some accounts (for your killfile-updating convenience) from which
McCarty has sent email and/or posted to Usenet include:

***@netcom.com, ***@netcom.com, ***@anon.penet.fi,
***@CompuServe.com, ***@aol.com, ***@aol.com;
***@aol.com, ***@aol.com, ***@aol.com,
***@aol.com; ***@aol.com, ***@aol.com,
***@aol.com, ***@aol.com, ***@aol.com,
***@aol.com, ***@aol.com, ***@aol.com,
***@mayfield.hp.com, ***@netmanage.com, ***@aol.com,
***@aol.com, ***@aol.com, ***@aol.com,
***@aol.com, ***@zippo.com, ***@hotmail.com,
New as of January 2000: ***@my-deja.com, ***@my-
deja.coma ***@my-deja.com and ***@hotmail.com. He also
appears to be using a Ricochet wireless modem for connectivity
(usually with ip's of 204.179.xxx.xxx).
New as of Feb 2000: ***@my-deja.com, via proxymate.com
Some of his AOL accounts have turned up in AOL's regular abuse
reports on Usenet. McCarty's accounts on various providers have been
terminated for violations of Terms of Service. Check the De Ja News
database for details.
Most recently McCarty has posted under the following usernames:
***@aol.com, ***@aol.com, zach+***@mailmasher.com,
***@mailmasher.com, ***@aol.com, ***@aol.com,
***@aol.com, ***@aol.com, ***@aol.com,
***@zippo.com, ***@hotmail.com, ***@aol.com
McCarty has a web page now...

McCarty is known to use anonymous remailers to send email and to
post Usenet articles.

How long has McCarty been on the Usenet?

McCarty has been active on the Usenet since the late 1980s, with a
brief hiatus from time to time when he has been incarcerated or
forbidden access by court order.

Some of McCarty's opinions can be found on the web in the
rec.music.reggae FAQ also.

McCarty's participation in the talk.origins "transitional fossil
challenge" can be found at


- from the webpage -

The people whose names appear below all made a claim or
implication of absence of transitional sequences, and were served up
with a version of the Transitional Sequence Challenge. This is a
roster of who they were, when they were challenged, where they were,
and how they responded to the challenge.

Date Name Forum Response . . .

940717 Ras Mikael Enoch t.o. None . . .

- end webpage -
Is McCarty on the staff of any radio station now?

No. McCarty was relieved of his air shift at KFJC , Los Altos
Hills, and removed from the staff for cause at KKUP, Cupertino. He was
once a reggae DJ at each of those stations. He is not known to have
been on the staff of any other radio stations since early 1996.
Is McCarty dangerous?

Opinions vary.
On 8/4/92 McCarty was convicted of one count of violating
California Penal Code Section 653m(a), threatening/harrassing phone
call, a misdemeanor, docket E9273771, Sunnyvale Municipal Court, in a
jury trial.

McCarty was sentenced to 3 years supervised probation, ending
9/95; 30 days jail time, reduced to time served while awaiting trial;
and a small fine.

Conditions of Probation included no contact with the former
employer and personnel, and also psychiatric counselling as assigned
by his probation officer. Whether he actually obtained psychiatric
counselling is not known.

The complaint and conviction was for a threatening phone message
McCarty left on his ex-supervisor's secretary's answering machine
after he was discharged from employment.

Shortly after that conviction, in 1993, McCarty was charged with
another count of California Penal Code Section 653m(a) for allegedly
calling the Sunnyvale Municipal Court Clerk's office and leaving a
message that he would "blow up the courthouse."

That complaint (Docket E9378772, Sunnyvale Municipal Court) also
alleged that McCarty wrote a message saying "I'll kill you" and
inserted it into a stack of legal documents which he gave to a judge's
clerk. The charges on docket E9378772 were dismissed, and for some
reason, the court records have disappeared from public access.

On 11/6/96 McCarty entered a plea of no contest to one count of
California Penal Code Section 555, misdemeanor criminal trespass,
docket C9677234, San Jose Municipal Court. That docket originated as
another 653m(a) charge for a late 1995 message left on the answering
machine of Jessica Lloyd-Rogers, then Program Director of KKUP,

McCarty was sentenced to 19 days county jail (time served awaiting
trial), 2 years unsupervised court probation, and small fine.
Conditions of probation include: "No contact, Jessica Rogers, Jane
Doe, KKUP" (Jane Doe's name withheld in this FAQ). The probation
sentenced in this case (Docket C9677234, San Jose Municipal Court) is
still in effect.

McCarty is also prohibited from contacting or approaching Jessica
Lloyd-Rogers, Jane Doe, or radio station KKUP, by Santa Clara County
Superior Court permanent restraining order (Docket FL 055863,

Women whom McCarty has targeted (including but not limited to
those mentioned above) say that McCarty has been very frightening and
threatening when he has called or contacted them in person.

McCarty was taken into custody on February 19, 1998 in connection
with violation of the terms of his probation (Docket C9677234). On
April 20, 1998 he was sentenced to 61 days in the county jail (time
served awaiting sentencing). In addition, formal (supervised)
probation has been extended until January 1, 2000. In addition to the
usual probation conditions, and the former "stay away" provisions
relating to Jessica Lloyd-Rogers, Jane Doe, and KKUP, McCarty is
forbidden to use the Internet in any way, except as related to his
employment responsibilities. This being the case, it is requested that
anyone who is contacted by Michael McCarty via email, or sees Usenet
postings that appear to originate from McCarty send such material to
the maintainer of this page, Steve Rubin. The judge told McCarty that
any communication deemed threatening by the recipient would be
considered as a violation of the "obey all laws" provision of his
probation. Auntie sincerely appreciates those who have responded thus

While awaiting sentencing on the violation of probation, McCarty
wrote a letter to the judge on the case.

While in custody on the VOP, McCarty was charged with violation of
CPC Section 311.11(a) on 4/2/98 (Docket C9880802) by the Santa Clara
District Attorney's Office. On December 14, 1998, McCarty entered a
plea of "no contest". Sentence was suspended, with probation out to
2003. McCarty must register as a sex offender with appropriate
jurisdictions in California.

On May 12, McCarty was taken off electronic monitoring, but all
other terms and restraints governing his probation and theOR release
on the C9880802 charge.

McCarty appeared in court in his all-white (except for shoes)
motif, this being his first non-custody court appearance in the latest

Has McCarty harrassed or threatened other people?

As early as 1985 the lawyer of a person targeted by McCarty sent a
cease and desist letter to radio station KFJC. The letter stated that
McCarty was making harrassing phone calls in the middle of the night.

Since 1987, many persons in California and in other states say
that they have received harrassing or threatening phone calls and/or
email from McCarty. These include music promoters, record
distributors, radio station personnel, supervisors and personnel of
McCarty's former employers, as well as others whose initial contact
with McCarty was merely incidental to Usenet discussions.

In a common variation, McCarty has been known to contact his
targets' system administrator or employer, and to attempt to have his
targets' internet access terminated.

On June 9, 1997, McCarty filed a Small Claims action (Case Number
A597233597) against John Higdon in the amount of $5,000, describing
the claim: "Libel, Slander, Defamation of Character". No other details
or any demands regarding the claim were ever provided, making the
action appear to have harassment as its sole purpose. The case was
dismissed as "absolutely frivolous" (judge's words) on August 27,

What should I do if I get a phone call or email from McCarty?

If the email is threatening, or if the phone call is harrassing,
report the incident to your local police, and to your employer's
security department if the call or email arrives at your place of

Most anonymous remailer operators will block emailings to your
email address upon request. Many ISPs will take action against a user
who sends abusive or harrassing email.

"He's a little coward who hides behind his computer. He's got the
potential to be a dangerous guy."
-- John McMullen, Investigator, Santa Clara County District Attorney's
Zyklon-Bozo © Body Wash
2012-01-16 00:22:26 UTC
Jay Smilkstein ("Bozo de Nero") - 64 A.D. Rome Mass Murder
Larry Silverstein (Bldg. 7) Sept. 11, 2001

September 11, 2001 (9-11)

(Suppressed By Israeli MOSSAD)
Finally Released Audio Of Fire Fighters In Building 7
Alex Jones and his Archived Radio Show
Note - 32 Minutes Into Program

Psychotropic Insane American JEW
Bozo Jay Smilkstein ("Bozo de Nero")
Publicly Exhibited Emulation Of 'Nero' 64 A.D. Rome Fire

Bozo ---> WIKIPEDIA Created A Page Because
The Jew Pest Jay Smilkstein, Is
A Notorious AntiChrist Satan Kike
Who Bothers Jew York Radio Stations
With His Angst To Promote Satanic
Judaic Bolshevik Pornographic Hassidics


Employed Circus Jew Clown Bozo Jay Smilkstein:

Having Been Forced To Flee (Flea) The Tailor Business,
The Freudian Psycho Jews Have Invented A "Profession"
Called Psychiatry, Which Comes With The Peddling And
Pandering Of Psychotropic Drugs Throughout The World,
Of Which The U.S. Court System Now Is Dictated By The
Large Pharmaceutical Companies, Dispensing Billions Of
Dollars Of Psychotropics To "Offenders".

Follywood, California, Where Unlimited "Stars" State
To The Public That They Have Sessions (Psycho Shrinks),
Which Is A Purposeful Plot By The Jew Controlled
Medias To Forment Opinion Supporting The Jewish Control
Of The Psychotic U.S. Psychotropic Export Idea And
So-Called Jew Freud "Profession".
Jews Are Insane Themselves !
Jews Hear Voices In Their Heads !

The Jews (Hassidics) In Jew York, Were Caught By
The F.B.I. (Federal Bureau of Investigation) Fairly
Recently, Drug-Running Under The Guise Of Their
Hassidic "religion" Costumes, where the U.S. Border
Patrol still allows un-inspected shipments from
Hassidic Jews ---> The Jews Were Shipping In
Ecstasy, Etc.

The Drug Ecstasy Has Been Found To Be Manufactured
By Jewish MOSSAD Mafias, In New York, And In Israel.
The Whole 'RAVE' Scene Which Appeared Out Of No-Where
Is And Was A Completely Jew Run Operation -- 'RAVES'
And Ecstasy Distribution And Pushing, Is A Jew Mafia
Scandal Yet To Be Exposed Properly To The World !

JEWS ---> Music Mafias
Drug Mafias
Hell's Angels

January 2011

February, 2011

New Zealand's Labour Party Leader,
Phil Goff stated:

" What was the Israeli search and rescue team
doing in an area where it wasn't allowed to be? "

" The suspicion is that this is a cover-up to
avoid embarrassing Israel."


The Book ---> 'Death Of The Rainbow Warrior'
Michael King
ISBN: 0-14-009738-4

Page: 192

"Next agent to evade the New Zealand police was
Christine Cabon, alias Frederique Bonlieu,
working on an American-supervised evacuation
at Pardes Hanna near Tel Aviv. According to
the Israeli police, the telegram from the
New Zealand police asking them to hold Bonlieu
for questioning by a New Zealand detective
arrived the same day, 25 July, as another
telegram from France. The French message,
which Cabon received first, told her to
return home at once because her father was
critically ill. An American student working
on the excavaton with Bonlieu said the
Frenchwoman came into her dormitory looking
pale and anxious, and announced that she
had to leave for France immediately. She
flew out of Israel the following day.

In fact, of course, her father was already
dead. The telegram was a coded message from
the DSGE warning her to leave Israel before
the New Zealand police got to her. That she
received it before the Israeli police acted
on the request from New Zealand raises a
strong possibility that they co-operated in
her escape. Given that she had worked
previously for the Israeli Secret Service,
this would not be surprising."

Additional Information In Regards To Anti-Nuclear
New Zealand And Israel (Israel Has Already Tested
Nuclear Bombs West Of South Africa) --->

In 1963 John Fitzerald Kennedy Was Embroiled In
A Bitter Secret Conflict With Israel Leader David
Ben-Gurion over Israel's Drive To The Atomic Bomb.
Ben-Gurion resigned In Disgust, Saying That
Because Of J.F.K., Israel's "existence (was) in
danger". Upon J.F.K.'s Assassination, U.S. Policy
Toward Israel Began An Immediate 180-degree
Turnaround. The Fact Is That When New Orleans
District Attorney Jim Garrison Prosecuted Trade
Executive Clay Shaw With Conspiracy In The
Assassination, Garrison Has Stumbled On The
MOSSAD Link -- Shaw Served On The Board Of
PERMINDEX, A Front For MOSSAD Arms Procurement
Operations. A Key PERMINDEX Shareholder,
The Swiss-Based Banque De Credit Internationale,
Was The Fiefdom Of Tibor Rosenbaum, A Top MOSSAD
Official, And Chief Money Laundry For Meyer
Lansky, "Chairman" Of The Crime Syndicate And
Israeli Loyalist. The CEO Of PERMINDEX Was
Louis Bloomfield Of Montreal, An Operative Of
The Bronfman Family, Intimate Lansky Associates
And Leading Patrons Of Israel.
James Angleton, The C.I.A.'s MOSSAD Liaison, Was
A Devoted Partisan Of Israel Who Orchestrated A
False Scenario Linking Accused Assassin Lee Harvey
Oswald To The Soveit KGB. Even "mainstream"
Organised Crime Sources Note That Leading
"Mafia" Figures Accused Of Being Behind The
Assassination Were Lansky Subordinates. Perhaps
Oliver Stone Failed To Mention These Details In
The Movie: JFK -- Because His Film Was Financed
By Aron Milchan, An Israeli Arms Dealer Linked To
Smuggling Of Material To Israel's Nuclear Program
-- The Point Of Contention Between J.F.K. And

My Own Investigation Into The Assassination Of
J.F.K. And Reggae Singer Bob Marley:

Joel Stein Of The Los Angeles Times --->

* Recently Listed The Whole Cabal Of Babylon Talmud
"Jews" Who Run Follywood With Complete Immersion
Into Pure Filth, Porn, Smut, Septic Jew Sex Fetish Sludge.


The Babylon (Babel) Talmud ---> Jews !

(Talmud, Torah, Kabbalah)

Permits Child-Adult Sex
Talmud law permits sexual intercourse between
children and adults.

This doctrine is contained in a number of Mishnahs.
Before we examine them, however, it is necessary
that the reader be familiar with the word kethubah.
According to the Soncino Talmud Glossary:

" KETHUBAH (Lit., 'a written [document]'); (a) a wife's marriage
settlement which she is entitled to recover on her being divorced
or on the death of her husband. The minimum settlement for a virgin
is two hundred zuz, and for a widow remarrying one hundred zuz;
(b) the marriage contract specifying the mutual obligations
between husband and wife and containing the amount of the endowment
and any other special financial obligations assumed by the husband. "

— Babylonian Talmud, Soncino Talmud Glossary

Zuz is a unit of currency. We see, then, that a dollar (or zuz)
value is put on virginity.

Now let's look at a Mishnah from Kethuboth 11a:

— Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Kethuboth 11a

Soncino 1961 Edition, page 57
The translator, Rabbi Dr. Samuel Daiches, amplifies the text
with footnotes:
" A man who was of age.
Lit., 'who came on'.
Less than three years old.
Less than nine years of age.
Lit., 'One who was injured by wood', as a result of which she
injured the hymen. "

— Rabbi Dr. Daiches

Let's review the above-cited Mishnah: "When a grown-up man has
had sexual intercourse with a little girl, or when a small boy
has intercourse with a grown-up woman …" It is obvious that
sex activity between a grown man and a little girl, and between
a grown woman and a little boy, is a part of the woof and the
warp of everyday Talmud life; such relationships, in the eyes
of the Sages, are unremarkable.
There is no prohibition on sexual activity between adults and
young children — it is simply regulated. Recall the words of
the Very Reverend the Chief Rabbi of the British Empire, the
late Dr. Joseph Herman Hertz:

" Religion in the Talmud attempts to penetrate the whole of
human life with the sense of law and right. Nothing human is
in its eyes mean or trivial; everything is regulated and
sanctified by religion. Religious precept and duty accompany
man from his earliest years to the grave and beyond it.
They guide his desires and actions at every moment. "

— Rabbi Dr. Hertz (38)

Thus, if the Talmud permits girls three years old and younger
to be sexually used by adults, that is the law. The concern of
the Sages is to ensure that the adult is not, technically
speaking, in violation of any of the rules.

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn's book [Gulag Archipelago],
identifies the Jews who created and administered

the Soviet gulags :

Aron Solts
Yakov Rappoport
Lazar Kogan
Matvei Berman
Genrikh Yagoda
Naftaly Frenkel

All six (6) are JEWS !

These Jewish, Rothschild funded Bolsheviks
would go on in the course of history to slaughter 60 million
Christians and non-Jews in Soviet controlled territory.

60 Million !

It already a known fact, that a Jew Conspiracy is taking
place in Hollywood, New York, and other avenues of media
like films, TV and radio. Here is an article from a Jew
who tells it like it is, that the Jews run everything.


The Talmud (with the Kabbalah) is Judaism's holiest
book. The supremacy of the Talmud *over* the Bible in
the Israeli state may also be seen in the case of the
blessed and wonderful black Ethiopian Flasha.
Ethiopians are knowledgeable of the Old Testament.
However, their religion is so ancient it pre-dates
the Scribes' Talmud, of which the Ethiopians have
no knowledge.

"The problem" is that Ethiopian Jewish tradion goes no
further than the Bible or Torah; the later Talmud and
other commentaries that form the basis of modern
traditions never came their way.

Because they are not trafficker in Talmudic tradition,
the black Ethiopians are discriminated against and have
been forbidden by the Israelis to perform marriages,
funerals and other services in the Israeli state.


The hallmarks of the "Jews' religion" according to Paul,
are 2-fold:

1) PERSECUTION of Jah's (God's) Church
2) Allegiance to the "TRADITIONS" of men.

1 Thessalonians 2:12-16

After some Jews rejected their Messiah they formalized
the TRADITION of elders condemned by Christ as the very
nullification of the Law of God, and that
*new religion* is Judaism.

Judaism has as its god, not Yahweh, but the Jewish people,
whose self-worship is at the core of the Talmud.

This diabolic fantasy is the basis of the religion of
Judaism, and it this institutionalized, dogmatic delusion
which distinguishes Judaism from the only Bible-based faith

According to the Oxford English Dictionary, Christendom
existed for 1494 years before this term Judaism was even
coined in English, yet modernist Christians assign this
name to the ancient Israelite religion of Yahweh.


Here below are just a few of the outrageous satanic
beliefs of the Jews (Talmud / Kabbalah) :

1) Hitting a Jew is the same as hitting God
2) O.K. to Cheat Non-Jews
3) Jews Have Superior Legal Status
4) Jews May Steal From Non-Jews
5) Jews May Rob and Kill Non-Jews
6) Jews May Lie To Non-Jews
7) Non-Jewish Children are Sub-Human
8) Insults AGainst Blessed Mary
9) Insults Against Jesus Christ
10) Talmud Attacks Chrisitans and Christian Books

"To heal his flesh a Jew
should take dust that lies
within the shadow of an
outdoor toilet, mix with
honey and eat it."

Gittin 69a

"Gentiles prefer sex with cows"

Abodah Zarah 22a-22b

"Those who read the New Testament
will have no portion in the world
to come"

Sanhedrin 90a

"Jews must destroy the books of
the Christians i.e. the New
Testament - "The books of the
minim may not be saved from a
fire, but they must be burnt."

Shabbat 116a

11) The Talmud's Bogus Tales of Roman Holocaust
12) Sexual Intercourse with Little Girls
13) The Talmud (Kabbalah) is filled with black magic,
Chaldean Occult nonsense from the Babylon era -

"to be qualified for appointment
to the Sanhedrin (religious
court), a man must be a
practicitoner of sorcery"

Sanhedrin 17a

The Kabbalah is filled with astrological teachings,
fortune-telling, gematria, necromancy and demonology.

The Jewish "Purim" is little more than a pagan

Orthodox rabbis place curses, cast spells and imagine
they have powers greater than God, derived from their
study of the Sefer Yezriah, a book of Kabbalalistic

14) Genocide Advocated By the Talmud

"Even the best of the gentiles
should all be killed"

Soferim 15, Rule 10

1907 Jewish Encyclopedia
[Funk & Wagnalls]

15) Talmudic Doctrine: Non-Jews Are Not Human

16) In Berakoth 58a the Talmud uses Ezekiel 23:20 as proof
of the sub-human status of gentiles. It also teaches
that anyone (even a Jewish man) who reveals this
Talmudic teaching about non-Jews deserves death,
since revealing it makes Gentiles wrathful and
causes the repression of Judaism.

17) American taxpayers' subsidy of the so-called "U.S.
Holocaust Museum" in Washington D.C., is yet another
indicator in the U.s. This "Holocaust museum" excludes
any reference to holocausts perpetrated by Jewish
Communists against Christians in Russia and Eastern
Europe, from 1917 onward.

"which say they are Jews,
and are not, but are the
synagogue of Satan"
Revelation 2:9 (Apocalypse)

The religion of Judaism, the religion of the Talmud and
Kabbalah, is an all-encompassing form of totalitarianism.

The Kabbalah also exhibits the same potent hatred for Jesus
(Y'shua), as the sacred Jewish Talmud does, insulting Him
in grotesque and reprehensible terms.
According to the most important Kabbalistic text, the Zohar,
Jesus is a "dog" who resides amid filth and vermin:

" From the side of idolatry Shabbethaj (Saturn)
is called Lilith, mixed dung, on account of
the filth mixed from all kinds of dirt and
worms, into which they throw dead dogs and
dead asses, the sons of Esau and Ishmael,
and there Jesus and Mohammed, who are dead
dogs, are buried among them. "

That sick statement, the product of what can only be a diseased
mind, comprises a portion of the same Kabbalah upheld and praised
by "great Jewish humanists"

Yebamoth 98a. All gentile children are animals.
Abodah Zarah 36b. Gentile girls are in a state of niddah (filth)
from birth.

Sandhedrin 106a. Says Jesus's mother was a whore:

"She who was the descendant of
princes and governors played
the harlot with carpenters."

Also in footnote #2 to Shabbath 104b of the Soncino edition, it
is stated that the "uncensored" text of the Talmud it is written
that Jesus mother, "Miriam the hairdresser", had sex with many men.

Sanhedrin 57a. A Jew need not pay a gentile the wages owed him
for work.

Sanhedrin 57a. When a Jew murders a gentile there will be
no death penalty. What a Jew steals from a gentile he may keep.

By 1999, certain Orthodox Jewish organizations were forthcoming,
openly admitting that the Talmud describes Jesus as a sorcerer
and a demented sex freak.

On the web-site of the Orthodox Jewish, Chabad-Lubavitch group
one of the largest and most powerful Jewish organizatioins in
the world ---> we find the following statement, accompanied
by citations from the Talmud:

" The Talmud (Babylonian edition) records
other sins of 'Jesus the Nazarene'.

1. He and his disciples practiced sorcery and black

magic, led Jews astray into idolatry and were
sponsored by foreign, gentile powers for the purpose

of subverting Jewish worship
(Sandhedrin 43a)

2. He was sexually immoral, worshipped
statues of stone (a brick is mentioned),
was cut off from the Jewishpeople for
his wickedness, and refused to repent
(Sanhedrin 107b)

3. He learned witchcraft in Egypt
(Sotah 47a)

Gettin 57a says:

"Jesus is in Hell, being boiled in
"hot" excrement."

Sanhedrin 43a says:

"Jesus was executed because he
practiced sorcery:

"It is taught that on
the eve of Passover Jesus
was hung, and forty days
before this the proclamation
was made: Jesus is to be
stoned to death because he
has practiced sorcery and
has lured the people to
idolatry...He was an enticer
and of such thou shalt not
pit or condone."

The rabbinic teacher Moses Maimonides ("Rambam") is revered in
Judaism as a supreme "sage" of the hightest stature. In his
writings Maimonides taught that Christians should be exterminated.
Zyklon-Bozo © Body Wash
2012-01-16 03:04:39 UTC
Jay Smilkstein ("Bozo de Nero") - 64 A.D. Rome Mass Murder
Larry Silverstein (Bldg. 7) Sept. 11, 2001

September 11, 2001 (9-11)

(Suppressed By Israeli MOSSAD)
Finally Released Audio Of Fire Fighters In Building 7
Alex Jones and his Archived Radio Show
Note - 32 Minutes Into Program

Psychotropic Insane American JEW
Bozo Jay Smilkstein ("Bozo de Nero")
Publicly Exhibited Emulation Of 'Nero' 64 A.D. Rome Fire

Bozo ---> WIKIPEDIA Created A Page Because
The Jew Pest Jay Smilkstein, Is
A Notorious AntiChrist Satan Kike
Who Bothers Jew York Radio Stations
With His Angst To Promote Satanic
Judaic Bolshevik Pornographic Hassidics


Employed Circus Jew Clown Bozo Jay Smilkstein:

Having Been Forced To Flee (Flea) The Tailor Business,
The Freudian Psycho Jews Have Invented A "Profession"
Called Psychiatry, Which Comes With The Peddling And
Pandering Of Psychotropic Drugs Throughout The World,
Of Which The U.S. Court System Now Is Dictated By The
Large Pharmaceutical Companies, Dispensing Billions Of
Dollars Of Psychotropics To "Offenders".

Follywood, California, Where Unlimited "Stars" State
To The Public That They Have Sessions (Psycho Shrinks),
Which Is A Purposeful Plot By The Jew Controlled
Medias To Forment Opinion Supporting The Jewish Control
Of The Psychotic U.S. Psychotropic Export Idea And
So-Called Jew Freud "Profession".
Jews Are Insane Themselves !
Jews Hear Voices In Their Heads !

The Jews (Hassidics) In Jew York, Were Caught By
The F.B.I. (Federal Bureau of Investigation) Fairly
Recently, Drug-Running Under The Guise Of Their
Hassidic "religion" Costumes, where the U.S. Border
Patrol still allows un-inspected shipments from
Hassidic Jews ---> The Jews Were Shipping In
Ecstasy, Etc.

The Drug Ecstasy Has Been Found To Be Manufactured
By Jewish MOSSAD Mafias, In New York, And In Israel.
The Whole 'RAVE' Scene Which Appeared Out Of No-Where
Is And Was A Completely Jew Run Operation -- 'RAVES'
And Ecstasy Distribution And Pushing, Is A Jew Mafia
Scandal Yet To Be Exposed Properly To The World !

JEWS ---> Music Mafias
Drug Mafias
Hell's Angels

January 2011
---> http://youtu.be/RjGYSGbAEUM

February, 2011

New Zealand's Labour Party Leader,
Phil Goff stated:

" What was the Israeli search and rescue team
doing in an area where it wasn't allowed to be? "

" The suspicion is that this is a cover-up to
avoid embarrassing Israel."


The Book ---> 'Death Of The Rainbow Warrior'
Michael King
ISBN: 0-14-009738-4

Page: 192

"Next agent to evade the New Zealand police was
Christine Cabon, alias Frederique Bonlieu,
working on an American-supervised evacuation
at Pardes Hanna near Tel Aviv. According to
the Israeli police, the telegram from the
New Zealand police asking them to hold Bonlieu
for questioning by a New Zealand detective
arrived the same day, 25 July, as another
telegram from France. The French message,
which Cabon received first, told her to
return home at once because her father was
critically ill. An American student working
on the excavaton with Bonlieu said the
Frenchwoman came into her dormitory looking
pale and anxious, and announced that she
had to leave for France immediately. She
flew out of Israel the following day.

In fact, of course, her father was already
dead. The telegram was a coded message from
the DSGE warning her to leave Israel before
the New Zealand police got to her. That she
received it before the Israeli police acted
on the request from New Zealand raises a
strong possibility that they co-operated in
her escape. Given that she had worked
previously for the Israeli Secret Service,
this would not be surprising."

Additional Information In Regards To Anti-Nuclear
New Zealand And Israel (Israel Has Already Tested
Nuclear Bombs West Of South Africa) --->

In 1963 John Fitzerald Kennedy Was Embroiled In
A Bitter Secret Conflict With Israel Leader David
Ben-Gurion over Israel's Drive To The Atomic Bomb.
Ben-Gurion resigned In Disgust, Saying That
Because Of J.F.K., Israel's "existence (was) in
danger". Upon J.F.K.'s Assassination, U.S. Policy
Toward Israel Began An Immediate 180-degree
Turnaround. The Fact Is That When New Orleans
District Attorney Jim Garrison Prosecuted Trade
Executive Clay Shaw With Conspiracy In The
Assassination, Garrison Has Stumbled On The
MOSSAD Link -- Shaw Served On The Board Of
PERMINDEX, A Front For MOSSAD Arms Procurement
Operations. A Key PERMINDEX Shareholder,
The Swiss-Based Banque De Credit Internationale,
Was The Fiefdom Of Tibor Rosenbaum, A Top MOSSAD
Official, And Chief Money Laundry For Meyer
Lansky, "Chairman" Of The Crime Syndicate And
Israeli Loyalist. The CEO Of PERMINDEX Was
Louis Bloomfield Of Montreal, An Operative Of
The Bronfman Family, Intimate Lansky Associates
And Leading Patrons Of Israel.
James Angleton, The C.I.A.'s MOSSAD Liaison, Was
A Devoted Partisan Of Israel Who Orchestrated A
False Scenario Linking Accused Assassin Lee Harvey
Oswald To The Soveit KGB. Even "mainstream"
Organised Crime Sources Note That Leading
"Mafia" Figures Accused Of Being Behind The
Assassination Were Lansky Subordinates. Perhaps
Oliver Stone Failed To Mention These Details In
The Movie: JFK -- Because His Film Was Financed
By Aron Milchan, An Israeli Arms Dealer Linked To
Smuggling Of Material To Israel's Nuclear Program
-- The Point Of Contention Between J.F.K. And

My Own Investigation Into The Assassination Of
J.F.K. And Reggae Singer Bob Marley:

Joel Stein Of The Los Angeles Times --->

* Recently Listed The Whole Cabal Of Babylon Talmud
"Jews" Who Run Follywood With Complete Immersion
Into Pure Filth, Porn, Smut, Septic Jew Sex Fetish Sludge.


The Babylon (Babel) Talmud ---> Jews !

(Talmud, Torah, Kabbalah)

Permits Child-Adult Sex
Talmud law permits sexual intercourse between
children and adults.

This doctrine is contained in a number of Mishnahs.
Before we examine them, however, it is necessary
that the reader be familiar with the word kethubah.
According to the Soncino Talmud Glossary:

" KETHUBAH (Lit., 'a written [document]'); (a) a wife's marriage
settlement which she is entitled to recover on her being divorced
or on the death of her husband. The minimum settlement for a virgin
is two hundred zuz, and for a widow remarrying one hundred zuz;
(b) the marriage contract specifying the mutual obligations
between husband and wife and containing the amount of the endowment
and any other special financial obligations assumed by the husband. "

— Babylonian Talmud, Soncino Talmud Glossary

Zuz is a unit of currency. We see, then, that a dollar (or zuz)
value is put on virginity.

Now let's look at a Mishnah from Kethuboth 11a:

— Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Kethuboth 11a

Soncino 1961 Edition, page 57
The translator, Rabbi Dr. Samuel Daiches, amplifies the text
with footnotes:
" A man who was of age.
Lit., 'who came on'.
Less than three years old.
Less than nine years of age.
Lit., 'One who was injured by wood', as a result of which she
injured the hymen. "

— Rabbi Dr. Daiches

Let's review the above-cited Mishnah: "When a grown-up man has
had sexual intercourse with a little girl, or when a small boy
has intercourse with a grown-up woman …" It is obvious that
sex activity between a grown man and a little girl, and between
a grown woman and a little boy, is a part of the woof and the
warp of everyday Talmud life; such relationships, in the eyes
of the Sages, are unremarkable.
There is no prohibition on sexual activity between adults and
young children — it is simply regulated. Recall the words of
the Very Reverend the Chief Rabbi of the British Empire, the
late Dr. Joseph Herman Hertz:

" Religion in the Talmud attempts to penetrate the whole of
human life with the sense of law and right. Nothing human is
in its eyes mean or trivial; everything is regulated and
sanctified by religion. Religious precept and duty accompany
man from his earliest years to the grave and beyond it.
They guide his desires and actions at every moment. "

— Rabbi Dr. Hertz (38)

Thus, if the Talmud permits girls three years old and younger
to be sexually used by adults, that is the law. The concern of
the Sages is to ensure that the adult is not, technically
speaking, in violation of any of the rules.

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn's book [Gulag Archipelago],
identifies the Jews who created and administered

the Soviet gulags :

Aron Solts
Yakov Rappoport
Lazar Kogan
Matvei Berman
Genrikh Yagoda
Naftaly Frenkel

All six (6) are JEWS !

These Jewish, Rothschild funded Bolsheviks
would go on in the course of history to slaughter 60 million
Christians and non-Jews in Soviet controlled territory.

60 Million !

It already a known fact, that a Jew Conspiracy is taking
place in Hollywood, New York, and other avenues of media
like films, TV and radio. Here is an article from a Jew
who tells it like it is, that the Jews run everything.


The Talmud (with the Kabbalah) is Judaism's holiest
book. The supremacy of the Talmud *over* the Bible in
the Israeli state may also be seen in the case of the
blessed and wonderful black Ethiopian Flasha.
Ethiopians are knowledgeable of the Old Testament.
However, their religion is so ancient it pre-dates
the Scribes' Talmud, of which the Ethiopians have
no knowledge.

"The problem" is that Ethiopian Jewish tradion goes no
further than the Bible or Torah; the later Talmud and
other commentaries that form the basis of modern
traditions never came their way.

Because they are not trafficker in Talmudic tradition,
the black Ethiopians are discriminated against and have
been forbidden by the Israelis to perform marriages,
funerals and other services in the Israeli state.


The hallmarks of the "Jews' religion" according to Paul,
are 2-fold:

1) PERSECUTION of Jah's (God's) Church
2) Allegiance to the "TRADITIONS" of men.

1 Thessalonians 2:12-16

After some Jews rejected their Messiah they formalized
the TRADITION of elders condemned by Christ as the very
nullification of the Law of God, and that
*new religion* is Judaism.

Judaism has as its god, not Yahweh, but the Jewish people,
whose self-worship is at the core of the Talmud.

This diabolic fantasy is the basis of the religion of
Judaism, and it this institutionalized, dogmatic delusion
which distinguishes Judaism from the only Bible-based faith

According to the Oxford English Dictionary, Christendom
existed for 1494 years before this term Judaism was even
coined in English, yet modernist Christians assign this
name to the ancient Israelite religion of Yahweh.


Here below are just a few of the outrageous satanic
beliefs of the Jews (Talmud / Kabbalah) :

1) Hitting a Jew is the same as hitting God
2) O.K. to Cheat Non-Jews
3) Jews Have Superior Legal Status
4) Jews May Steal From Non-Jews
5) Jews May Rob and Kill Non-Jews
6) Jews May Lie To Non-Jews
7) Non-Jewish Children are Sub-Human
8) Insults AGainst Blessed Mary
9) Insults Against Jesus Christ
10) Talmud Attacks Chrisitans and Christian Books

"To heal his flesh a Jew
should take dust that lies
within the shadow of an
outdoor toilet, mix with
honey and eat it."

Gittin 69a

"Gentiles prefer sex with cows"

Abodah Zarah 22a-22b

"Those who read the New Testament
will have no portion in the world
to come"

Sanhedrin 90a

"Jews must destroy the books of
the Christians i.e. the New
Testament - "The books of the
minim may not be saved from a
fire, but they must be burnt."

Shabbat 116a

11) The Talmud's Bogus Tales of Roman Holocaust
12) Sexual Intercourse with Little Girls
13) The Talmud (Kabbalah) is filled with black magic,
Chaldean Occult nonsense from the Babylon era -

"to be qualified for appointment
to the Sanhedrin (religious
court), a man must be a
practicitoner of sorcery"

Sanhedrin 17a

The Kabbalah is filled with astrological teachings,
fortune-telling, gematria, necromancy and demonology.

The Jewish "Purim" is little more than a pagan

Orthodox rabbis place curses, cast spells and imagine
they have powers greater than God, derived from their
study of the Sefer Yezriah, a book of Kabbalalistic

14) Genocide Advocated By the Talmud

"Even the best of the gentiles
should all be killed"

Soferim 15, Rule 10

1907 Jewish Encyclopedia
[Funk & Wagnalls]

15) Talmudic Doctrine: Non-Jews Are Not Human

16) In Berakoth 58a the Talmud uses Ezekiel 23:20 as proof
of the sub-human status of gentiles. It also teaches
that anyone (even a Jewish man) who reveals this
Talmudic teaching about non-Jews deserves death,
since revealing it makes Gentiles wrathful and
causes the repression of Judaism.

17) American taxpayers' subsidy of the so-called "U.S.
Holocaust Museum" in Washington D.C., is yet another
indicator in the U.s. This "Holocaust museum" excludes
any reference to holocausts perpetrated by Jewish
Communists against Christians in Russia and Eastern
Europe, from 1917 onward.

"which say they are Jews,
and are not, but are the
synagogue of Satan"
Revelation 2:9 (Apocalypse)

The religion of Judaism, the religion of the Talmud and
Kabbalah, is an all-encompassing form of totalitarianism.

The Kabbalah also exhibits the same potent hatred for Jesus
(Y'shua), as the sacred Jewish Talmud does, insulting Him
in grotesque and reprehensible terms.
According to the most important Kabbalistic text, the Zohar,
Jesus is a "dog" who resides amid filth and vermin:

" From the side of idolatry Shabbethaj (Saturn)
is called Lilith, mixed dung, on account of
the filth mixed from all kinds of dirt and
worms, into which they throw dead dogs and
dead asses, the sons of Esau and Ishmael,
and there Jesus and Mohammed, who are dead
dogs, are buried among them. "

That sick statement, the product of what can only be a diseased
mind, comprises a portion of the same Kabbalah upheld and praised
by "great Jewish humanists"

Yebamoth 98a. All gentile children are animals.
Abodah Zarah 36b. Gentile girls are in a state of niddah (filth)
from birth.

Sandhedrin 106a. Says Jesus's mother was a whore:

"She who was the descendant of
princes and governors played
the harlot with carpenters."

Also in footnote #2 to Shabbath 104b of the Soncino edition, it
is stated that the "uncensored" text of the Talmud it is written
that Jesus mother, "Miriam the hairdresser", had sex with many men.

Sanhedrin 57a. A Jew need not pay a gentile the wages owed him
for work.

Sanhedrin 57a. When a Jew murders a gentile there will be
no death penalty. What a Jew steals from a gentile he may keep.

By 1999, certain Orthodox Jewish organizations were forthcoming,
openly admitting that the Talmud describes Jesus as a sorcerer
and a demented sex freak.

On the web-site of the Orthodox Jewish, Chabad-Lubavitch group
one of the largest and most powerful Jewish organizatioins in
the world ---> we find the following statement, accompanied
by citations from the Talmud:

" The Talmud (Babylonian edition) records
other sins of 'Jesus the Nazarene'.

1. He and his disciples practiced sorcery and black

magic, led Jews astray into idolatry and were
sponsored by foreign, gentile powers for the purpose

of subverting Jewish worship
(Sandhedrin 43a)

2. He was sexually immoral, worshipped
statues of stone (a brick is mentioned),
was cut off from the Jewishpeople for
his wickedness, and refused to repent
(Sanhedrin 107b)

3. He learned witchcraft in Egypt
(Sotah 47a)

Gettin 57a says:

"Jesus is in Hell, being boiled in
"hot" excrement."

Sanhedrin 43a says:

"Jesus was executed because he
practiced sorcery:

"It is taught that on
the eve of Passover Jesus
was hung, and forty days
before this the proclamation
was made: Jesus is to be
stoned to death because he
has practiced sorcery and
has lured the people to
idolatry...He was an enticer
and of such thou shalt not
pit or condone."

The rabbinic teacher Moses Maimonides ("Rambam") is revered in
Judaism as a supreme "sage" of the hightest stature. In his
writings Maimonides taught that Christians should be exterminated.
the deleter
2012-01-16 01:56:50 UTC
On Dec 22 2011, 11:08 am, "Ras Mikaere Enoch Mc Carty"
Post by Ras Mikaere Enoch Mc Carty
New Zealand Parliament
Ex-M.P. For The Green Party
Nándor Steven Tánczos (Táncos) (666)
With A Serpent Lucifer (Dragon) Snake Tattoo Upon
His Left Arm, The Fuming Drugged-Out Nándor Steven
Tánczos (Táncos) (666) Who Used To Be A Member
Of Parliament, Under The Banner Of The Marxist
Soylent Greens, Is The Co-Founder Of The Hemp Store Aotearoa,
Along With Chris Fowler And Mike Finlayson, Which Sold Then, And
To This Date, Totally Dangerous Drugs That Are Dangers To Young
Lungs, And Older, With Totally Toxic Chemicals, And Notably Cancer
Causing Tar.  EMPHYSEMA !
Nice Legacy You Got There Nándor !
Not Content With Just Cannabis, Nándor Sets Up A Business Catering
To Every Form Of Un-Natural Synthetic High Imaginable - Party Pills,
Synthetic Pharmaceutical "Highs", And Even Speaks Against Banning
Such Dangerous Substances, Destined And Promoted By Nándor To
Be Inhaled By Young Lungs And Young Minds - Wasted By Nándor !
The Legacy Of Nándor Steven Tánczos (Táncos) (666) Is Emphysema
And Un-Natural Highs Mixed With Chemical Induced Stupidity Of Which
The Drugged-Out Nándor Steven Tánczos (Táncos) (666) And His
Writings Show A Rattled Brain, And Sentence Structure That Points
To Clear Stupidity And Most Assuredly Brain Damage Due To His
'other' drugs That He Promoted In A 'High Times' Magazine Interview.
How He Was Ultimately Accepted Into The Waikato University, With His
Lack Of Proper English Grammar, Is A Study And Investigation For
Further Research !
Nándor Steven Tánczos (Táncos) 666
Soylent Green Party Marxist-Leninist Totally Bogus
Nándor 6
Steven 6
Táncos 6
Nándor, After Leaving The New Zealand Parliament As A Member
Of Government Body, In Disgrace, Has Decided To Live In His
Wretched Dirty Old Hippie Bus Located Between The Waipa River
& The Hakarimata Range At Ngaruawahia In The Waikato Region.
Who Is Also Attending The University Of Waikato, Hamilton.
With A Disturbing Looking Serpent Snake Tattoo Upon His Left
Arm, Especially For Real Rastafarians In Te Aotearoa And Other
Locations, Nándor Has Recently (November 2009) Decided To Cut
Off His Fashion-Locks \ Dreadlocks And Has Burned Them. With
A Stated "Anarchist Background" And Political Agenda That
Includes His Continued Participation And Promotion Of The Soylent
Green Party Of Marxist-Leninists, The Drugged-Out Nándor Steven
Tánczos (Táncos) (666) Is The Co-Founder Of The Hemp Store
Aotearoa, Along With Chris Fowler And Mike Finlayson, Which Sold
Then, And To This Date -
Benzylpiperazine (BZP) and
Trifluromethylphenylpiperazine (TFMPP)
*  Ecstasy   *  Frenzy    *  Lounge-E
*  Pepe       *  Rapture   *  Nirvana
*  Charge   *  Grunter    *  Kandi
*  Jet        *  Bliss
Most Interesting Is That The Drug Testing For MDMA
Amphetamine Symptomatic BZP, And TFMPP Was Done In Hungary,
The Same Pathetic Area Of Europe That Nándor Steven Tánczos
(Táncos) (666) Genetic Line Hails From.
Synthetic Cannaboids -
   *  Kronic - Synthetic Cannaboid (JWH-018)
   *  Space V2 - Synthetic Cannaboid (JWH-018) (JWH-073) (JWH-100)
   *  Marihuanilla - Alternative High Chemicals
   *  Tribal Dance - Trippy Effect Chemicals
   *  Dream - Synthetic Cannaboid
   *  Spice - Synthetic Cannaboid (JW-018)
   *  Damiana - Aphrodisiac Chemicals
   *  Blue Lotus - Nymphae Caerulea
   *  Spice Diamond - More Potent Synthetic Cannaboid
   *  Kronic Purple Haze - (JWH-018) (RCS-04)
Ecstasy And Other Various Drug Test Kits -
Nándor Steven Tánczos (Táncos) (666) Who Is Proud To Proclaim
His Hungarian Heritage And Of The River Tisza In Hungary, Along With
His Family Tree That Is Of The Raubenheimer's, No Doubt Does Not
Want You To Know That The Derivation Of The Name Raubenheimer
(Rauber) Is To Rob, Steal, Robbers !  And Proud Of It ! The Hungarians
Who Prefer To Be Called The Magyar Are Known For Centuries Upon
Centuries As Raiding And Pillaging Europe. Their Thieving Actions Were
Stopped In 955 A.D. In The Augsburg Battle.  However Their Main
Center Of Residence Is The River Tisza Area, Of Which Nándor Steven
Tánczos (Táncos) (666) Is So Quick To Pronounce His Genetic Line To
Everyone. The Same Pathetic Genetic Line That Enslaved The Slavs !
Raiders !  Their Origins Are Turkic From Croatia !
Nándor Steven Tánczos (Táncos) (666) Now Operates His Plot Against
True Rastafarians In Te Aotearoa Through His Business In Hamilton,
                        He Puna Manawa Ltd.
                  " social and political change agency "
A Clear Front, For Subversive Activities Against True Rastafarians
Like Myself, Who Like Many Other Māori In Te Aotearoa At This Very
Moment Have And Are Giving Nándor Steven Tánczos (Táncos) (666),
The Ultimatum To Get Out Of Rastafarian Theology, Movement, And
Desires To Be A Pathetic Pakeha "Rasta" Religious Leader.  Nándor
Steven Tánczos (Táncos) (666) Is At This Moment Trying To Forment
Legal Restraints Against Real Rastafarians In Te Aotearoa \ NZ Who
Do Not Agree With His Evil Snake Serpent Weak-Arm Plot !  Nándor
Steven Tánczos (Táncos) (666) Is At This Moment Trying To Enact
Legislation That Will Make Alternative Real Rastafarians Such As Myself
And Other Leading Maori Rastafarians, In Conflict With The Laws That
He is Trying To Get Passed !
You 666 Beast !
You Will Be Defeated In Every Way Possible !
Nándor Steven Tánczos (Táncos) (666)
Serpent Lucifer Snake Tattoo On Nándor Steven Tánczos
(Táncos) (666), And His Totally Hypocritical Chimney Stove
Recently Built In His Old Dirty Looking Eye-Sore Hippie Bus,
Is In Direct Contradiction, A Hypocrite To The Greenhouse
Gas Issues That He Purports And Claims To Fight Against As A
Marxist-Leninist Soylent Green Party Member, Who Lives By
Parliamentary Pension !
Exactly The Reason Why The Socialist Labour Party Have Formed A Predictable
Coalition With The Marxist-Leninist Soylent Green Party, Who's Hub Is Berlin
Deutschland.  The Greens Are Controlled From Deutschland !
Nándor Steven Tánczos (Táncos) (666)
Free Beer Promoting, Ecstasy 'High Times' Drug-Pusher-Promoter,
(Ecstasy = Jew Marxist Drug Mafias), TOTALLY FALSE "Rastafarian"
Needs To Be Shown For Who He Is, That Being A Horrible Example
Of What A Rastafarian Might Be.  Prominent Māori Are So Upset With
His False Counterfeit Rastafarian Efforts By The Soylent Greens,
In Order To Fool And Trick Maori Into The Soylent Greens !
Nandor's Agenda Included Nothing Substantial, Except To Make Sure
His "Precious" Drug-Induced Brain Was Not Protected By A Bike Helmet.
Nandor's Own Gigantic Purple Tam Exemplifies The Advertisement That
Rastafarians Are Into Homosexuality, For Anyone Who Studies The Marxist
Leninist Soylent Greens, (Metiria Turei) Will Know That Purple Is The Code
Lesbian Marxist Colour Of The Homosexual Movement.  Basically Only The
Homosexuals In The San Francisco Gay Area Of California Wear Purple,
For That Is A Fact.
A Most Eloquent Air New Zealand Staff Member Informed I Pesonally,
And Confirmed To I, That Nandor Literally Stinks With Horrid Body
Odour -- Again The Public Policy Of The Soylent Green Party, That Of
Demanding That The Population Stop Taking Showers !  Nandor Is Into
Everything Involving Dead (Grateful Dead \ Hippie) Culture, The
Marxist-Leninist Dictate Of The Soylent Greens To Promote The Idea
Of A Dead Haile Selassie, The Emperor Of Ethiopia.http://www.exorcist.org.nz/1967_bolshevik_plot_for_1974.html
Nandor Is Totally Into Eastern Mysticism And And No Doubt The
Resultant *Out Of Body Experiences* Through The Usage Of Highly
Dangerous Drugs, Of Which Nandor Does Promote The Accessibility
Of Ecstasy And Especially The Booze Hooch 'Free Beer', And You
Name It ---> A Plot By The Marxist-Leninist Soylent Greens To
Literally Destroy Any Good Image Of The Noble Maori Rastafarians
-- Who Can See Right Through His Plot.  Nandor Is A Pathetic Dirty
Ass Stinky Hippie Wanna-Be Who Is Trying To Graft Onto Rastafarian
Belief Every Form Of Death Culture That Pertains To Hippies "Herbies"
The Grateful DEAD !
The Grateful Dead \ Bolshevik Jew Drug And Music Mafiashttp://www.exorcist.org.nz/music_mafias.html
Rastafarians Are Not Into Dangerous Drugs, Nor Stinky Ass Body
Odour, Nor Phoney Rolex Watches That Are Banged Onto The
Parliamentary Podiums To Do An Exact Copy Of Nikita Khrushchev
Of Banging A Shoe In The United Nations !
It Was The Green Party Who Ultimately FRAMED ME Off Of The Radio,
As I Was A Radio Presenter (DJ), Who Was The ONLY PERSON In The
United States That Was Playing Non-Nuclear Reggae And Presenting
Programming (interviews and dialogue) That Was Promoting New Zealand's
Non-Nuclear Stance (KFJC FM \ KKUP FM - 1985-1996). I Look Back
With Such Pride That I Was In Fact Working With The New Zealand
Government (S.F. Consulate General), As They Gracefully Provided Me
With The Necessary Musics To Help Me With My Efforts, In The United
States, Where Official Government And Government Media Policy Is And
Was, To Make New Zealand Appear As The New Enemy.
The Evil Green Party Framed Me !http://www.exorcist.org.nz/framed_at_kkup.html
Ras Mikaere Enoch Mc Carty
Ambassador | Tainui Kiingitanga | Te http://youtu.be/bGTElXmhumE