Correcting misleading information about nuclear power and raising awareness of a major alternative
(too old to reply)
2007-04-15 09:41:38 UTC

Thanks to the magic of Google Alerts, it is now possible to know that,
in newspapers, magazines and blogs around the world, large numbers of
articles, reports and comments are appearing that present nuclear power
in a favourable light and gloss over its many problems. If you would
like to help with an easy-to-do online campaign to correct some of the
misleading information that is being spread, and to raise awareness of
concentrating solar power, a major alternative to nuclear power, please
go to www.mng.org.uk/green_house/cspnn.htm .

Alex Terrell
2007-04-15 15:49:45 UTC
Post by Gerry
Thanks to the magic of Google Alerts, it is now possible to know that,
in newspapers, magazines and blogs around the world, large numbers of
articles, reports and comments are appearing that present nuclear power
in a favourable light and gloss over its many problems. If you would
like to help with an easy-to-do online campaign to correct some of the
misleading information that is being spread, and to raise awareness of
concentrating solar power, a major alternative to nuclear power, please
go towww.mng.org.uk/green_house/cspnn.htm.
Quote from The Economist:
"IN THE long run we are moving towards a gas OPEC," said Chakib
Khelil, Algeria's energy minister, at a recent meeting of big gas
producers in the gassy Arabian statelet of Qatar. It is a frightening
notion. After all, the world's supply of gas is concentrated in even
fewer hands than its oil. Qatar, Russia and Iran between them control
almost 60% of the stuff. Qatar aside, they are not among the West's
most reliable allies.

End Quote

So despite nuclear's many problems, it seems like the sensible thing
to pursue.

Concentrating solar power is good for hot sunny climates. Not much use
in the UK.
Mike Swift
2007-04-20 06:34:15 UTC
Post by Gerry
Thanks to the magic of Google Alerts, it is now possible to know that,
in newspapers, magazines and blogs around the world, large numbers of
articles, reports and comments are appearing that present nuclear power
in a favourable light and gloss over its many problems. If you would
like to help with an easy-to-do online campaign to correct some of the
misleading information that is being spread, and to raise awareness of
concentrating solar power, a major alternative to nuclear power, please
go to www.mng.org.uk/green_house/cspnn.htm .
Anyone with a background in power engineering knows that the only
reliable sources of large quantities of dispatchable energy for the grid
are coal and nuclear. So if you do not like nuclear you will be getting
lots of coal power plants.

Mike Swift
2007-04-20 07:24:14 UTC
Fission for the win!
2007-04-21 03:13:10 UTC
Post by Gerry
Thanks to the magic of Google Alerts, it is now possible to know that,
in newspapers, magazines and blogs around the world, large numbers of
articles, reports and comments are appearing that present nuclear power
in a favourable light and gloss over its many problems. If you would
like to help with an easy-to-do online campaign to correct some of the
misleading information that is being spread, and to raise awareness of
concentrating solar power, a major alternative to nuclear power, please
go towww.mng.org.uk/green_house/cspnn.htm.
"Helen Caldicott quotes research showing that "The use of nuclear
power causes, at the end of the road and under the most favourable
conditions, approximately one-third as much carbon dioxide (CO2)
emission as gas-fired electricity production." The use of poorer ores
as a source of fuel for nuclear reactors "would produce more CO2
emissions than burning fossil fuels directly." In other words,
"nuclear reactors are best understood as complicated, expensive, and
inefficient gas burners."

Sorry, with crap like this, you are a long way from trying to "correct
some of the missleading information that is being spread". You will
always, it seems, find more myth, innuendo and falsehoods like doctor
Helen "don't recycle, it's polluting to do so" Caldicott.

Paul F. Dietz
2007-04-21 07:21:04 UTC
Post by d***@comcast.net
The use of poorer ores
as a source of fuel for nuclear reactors "would produce more CO2
emissions than burning fossil fuels directly." In other words,
"nuclear reactors are best understood as complicated, expensive, and
inefficient gas burners."
There's nothing about uranium mining, refining, enrichment, or use
that requires the use of fossil fuels.

2007-04-21 08:02:29 UTC
Post by Paul F. Dietz
Post by d***@comcast.net
The use of poorer ores
as a source of fuel for nuclear reactors "would produce more CO2
emissions than burning fossil fuels directly." In other words,
"nuclear reactors are best understood as complicated, expensive, and
inefficient gas burners."
There's nothing about uranium mining, refining, enrichment, or use
that requires the use of fossil fuels.
That was my point. Nothing more than what is common for any industrial
process, including mining. There is some fossil use in mining, and the
once-every-18-months for fuel loading (dilivering the fuel) and there
is a minimum CO2 emission during refining, and diesel used during
consturction, etc etc but, watt-for-watt of power compared to anything
else, it's almost ZERO.

Bush Lost Iraq War
2007-04-21 21:15:27 UTC

Two months of war, two years of Walter Reed

4/20/2007 3:40:54 PM
Daily Journal

PHOTO:(Thomas Wells)
David Yancy of Ripley nearly died from an improvised explosive device
on March 29th, 2005 while serving with the 155th brigade Combat Team.
Now after two years of recovery at Walter Reed Hospital he can try to
restart his life.

By Emily Le Coz
Daily Journal

RIPLEY - Mississippi Army National Guard Sgt. David Yancey returned
home for good this week from a place that no soldier wants to go -
Walter Reed Army Medical Center.

It's the military's premier U.S. medical center and main treatment
facility for soldiers wounded in the Iraq war. Today its name is
synonymous with scandal and soldier neglect, in part because of
Yancey's collaboration with the Washington Post.

Yancey spent two years at the sprawling complex in the nation's
capital. The first year, he recovered from wounds received when an
improvised explosive devise shredded his Humvee in Iraq. Yancey
suffered a fractured left femur, major nerve damage in his right arm,
broken ribs, a collapsed lung and traumatic brain injury.

The vehicle's driver, Spec. William Brooks of Southaven, lost both
legs in the March 29, 2005, explosion. Two others suffered only minor

His second year at Walter Reed, Yancey fought a battle he says no
soldier should have to endure: a bureaucratic nightmare that saw him
spend thousands of his own dollars, fill out form after form, collect
reports, and battle what he called a dishonest disability-evaluation
process so he could finally leave.

Although he returned home for short visits - including his father's
funeral last year - he remained at Walter Reed the entire year it
required to get his discharge. During that time, Yancey spoke
regularly to Washington Post reporters.

"I worked with the Post on and off since January 2006, because I'd
been there nine months at that point and I got a grip on what was
going on with all the problems," the 33-year-old said. "I had a friend
who works at the Post, and we decided to have the media come in and
help the soldiers out."

Burdensome bureaucracy
Yancey took a background role in feeding journalists information, not
wanting to be featured in the stories. But he did write a letter that
was published this April 8 in the Post. It described an intentionally
burdensome system that, he later told the Daily Journal, tries to
discourage soldiers from receiving their proper benefits.

"Most soldiers just give up and take whatever they can get and go
home," he insisted. "After seven or eight months, they're tired and
just want to see their families. It's intentional. And it's coming
from higher up."

Sitting in the dining room of the one-story house where his mother was
reared, the Ripley resident said Thursday he witnessed bureaucratic

He recalled staffers withholding records he needed to present at case
reviews, purposefully giving him false information, and once having
him escorted to his physical evaluation board liaison officer only to
be told he didn't need to be there.

In February, around the same time the Post ran its investigative
series, Yancey finally received a 30 percent disability rating - the
minimum rating to receive monthly checks, health insurance and other
privileges. His first evaluation had been at 10 percent, for which he
would have received a single severance check.

Fallout from the Post articles, which highlighted cases of neglect at
the complex, led to the firing of Walter Reed's commander, Maj. Gen.
George Weightman, and the resignation of both Secretary of the Army
Francis Harvey and Lt. Gen. Kevin Kiley, chief of the Army Medical

It also triggered congressional hearings and an extensive review of
all military medical facilities by the U.S. States Department of
Veterans Affairs.

Yancey said he supports the war in Iraq and received good medical
treatment from Walter Reed's doctors and nurses. He also got
overwhelming support from the public, including visits by the Denver
Broncos, NASCAR driver Dale Earnhardt Jr., country star Toby Keith and
the Orange County Choppers owners, the Teutuls.

But Yancey abhors the administrative cobweb tangling thousands of
soldiers trying to obtain discharges with benefits: "They need to
completely overhaul the system," he said.

Thinking about the future
Today, Yancey is free from Walter Reed but continues to suffer
ailments related to the roadside bomb's explosion. He walks with a
limp, has numbness in his right arm, can't make a fist with his right
hand and experiences occasional short-term memory loss.

He must return for medical evaluations every 18 months. If his
condition hasn't improved in five years, he will be able to
permanently retire from the military.

Yancey, who isn't married but has a girlfriend, said he's not sure
what he'll do in the meantime. Physical limitations mean he can't
return to his former job at Piper Impact, a metal shaping
manufacturing company in New Albany. So, the semi-retired Guardsman
will take a year to plot the next chapter in his life.

"I have no regrets," said Yancey, who joined the National Guard at 30
and spent only 71 days in Iraq before the attack.

"I knew there were risks when I joined," he said, "even though you
always think you're going to beat the odds. You think it won't happen
to you."
2007-04-21 21:43:39 UTC
Don't you love the egotistical assholes that change subject lines to
soothe their own egos? I believe the issue was information about

Bush Lost Iraq War
2007-04-21 22:39:08 UTC
Dave Walters is a Cho Seung-Hui of Usenet.

Dave Walters is Choosing You to be a victim of Mass Murder.

Like Cho Seung-Hui, Dave Walters is a sociopath utterly without pity
for his randomly chosen victims -- it's just a violent video game for
him, where he tries for the "most points" using weather of mass
destruction. 20,000 dead in France from Heat Wave, 3,000 wacked in New
Orleans, just points to keep score.

The longer you stay unaware that your death is his goal, the more his
words can infect you like poison to delay your self-defense plan.

Global Warming briefings were being given to tobacco company
executives two decades ago, while they were in the midst of carrying
out serial murders of 400,000 Americans per year with delay tactics of
hired science-falsifiers. They loaned part of their propaganda
apparatus to the OILY INC liars to delay actions on Global Warming, as
the court records show as early as 1988.

It wasn't until 1998 that the evidence came to light in courts of law,
but nine years later the same people are still doing the same frauds.

Since 1988 to 1998, 4 million Americans were killed by frauds that
said that the science on tobacco was unsettled. These are willful
deliberate premeditated murders, using people like Dave Walters to
spread their message.

Since 1998 another 3.6 million have been murdered by falsified science
"debate" keeping the settled science from being taken seriously by
thew victims of opportunity whom have been knowingly addicted by
corporate serial murderers, and their henchmen like Dave Walters.

The A.S.S. Coalition (TASSC) & Global Warming
http://TobaccoDocuments.org Court Records

To circumvent its lack of credibility with the public, policy makers
and the media, Philip Morris (PM) uses the strategy of creating front
groups. Forming an artificial third party and then assigning it an
"umbrella cause" (one which happens to mesh perfectly with the tobacco
industry's) gives PM and the industry the opportunity to create a
wholly separate, and far more credible, mouthpiece advance its
policies and political desires. In PM's front group "Associates for
Research in Substance Enjoyment," (ARISE) "scientists" lumped tobacco
use together with innocuous substances like tea and chocolate, put out
worldwide press releases saying substance use was good for you and
declared public health advocates to be puritanical, neo-prohibitionist
party poopers. After the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
declared secondhand smoke as a Class A Human Carcinogen, PM needed a
powerful group to rise up help discredit EPA's findings. Thus PM
formed "The Advancement of Sound Science Coalition," or TASSC.
Recognizing that the chemical, paper, metal, petroleum and other
environmentally-dubious industries would also be thrilled to have a
group of "committed experts" who would publicly say that scientific
warnings against their activities were not credible, PM invited these
industries to join TASSC. With the needs clear and a host of willing
help-mates waiting in the wings, PM created TASSC through a public
relations firm called APCO Associates, which helped PM distance itself
from the group. After a 2-month, $50,000 feasibility study done hand
in hand with PM's law firm of Covington and Burling, APCO began
forming TASSC. APCO did an admirable job of recruiting members for
TASSC, too. The "supporters list" (found in another document) includes
businesses from the "Family Loompya Seafood Market" and "Pinckneyville
Lighting" to sawmills, mining and chemical companies, including W.R.
Grace, Co., Amoco, and Dow Chemical. Today's document reveals the
goals of TASSC, and also APCO's enthusiasm for creating a similar
group in Europe based on its success in America and elsewhere. Title:
Thoughts on TASSC Europe Type of Document: Memo From: Tom Hockaday of
APCO Associates To: Matt Winokur, Director, Worldwide Regulatory
Affairs for Philip Morris Date: 19940324 Site: Philip Morris Tobacco
Company http://www.pmdocs.com/ Bates No. 2025492898/2905 Page Count: 8
URL: http://www.pmdocs.com/getallimg.asp?DOCID=2025492898/2905

03/28/94 15:25 '8`202 466 6004 APCO ASSOCIATES 0004 -3 - As a starting
point, we can identify key issues requiring sound scientific research
and scientists that may have an interest in them. Some issues our
European colleagues suggest include: . Global warming · Nuclear waste
disposal · Diseases and pests in agricultural products for
transborder trade · Biotechnology . Eco-labeling for EC products

Thoughts on Tassc Europe
Date: 25 Mar 1994

-3- As a starting point, we can identify key issues requiring sound
scientific research and scientists that may have an interest in them.
Some issues our European colleagues suggest include: . Global
warming . Nuclear waste disposal . Diseases and pests in agricultural
products for transborder trade . Biotechnology . Eco-labeling for EC
products . Food processing and packaging

-5- decisions. The supporters of the Appeal are a loose-knit group.
The effort to expand the support of the Appeal is handled through Dr.
M. Saloman of the International Center for Scientific Ecology (Paris).

In discussions with a number of our scientific supporters and with Dr.
Fred Singer (a member of the Board of the International Center for
Scientific Ecology), there is belief that this initial support could
be organized into a more "formal movement" internationally. The
benefits of attempting to use this group as a basis of extending TASSC
include: Several of TASSC's scientists have signed the Appeal,
providing the opportunity to approach the supporters with a "peer to
peer" approach, i.e. , a "Dear Colleague" letter.

for monitoring shaky science
Date: 28 Dec 1993

TASSC should work to make fiascos like the Alar scare as familiar to
students as rain forests or global warming.

TASSC The Advancement of Sound Science Coalition

"It is neither reasonable nor prudent for major political decisions to
be based on presumptions which, in the current state of knowledge, are
still only hypotheses, although they must certainly be examined and
even taken into account. The more or less apocalyptic scenarios evoked
in the preparatory, work for the Rio conference are not the kind of
certitudes which can be used as a basis for political decisions likely
to entail major upheavals and heavy expenditure on a global scale."
~Michael Salomon, Editorial Director, Projections Quarterly, Autumn-
Winter 1992

Scientists for Sound Public Policy Assessment Project and Symposium
Date: 1994 (est.)
Length: 19 pages

EXPLANATIONS · The political decision-makers are vulnerable to
activists' emotional appeals and press campaigns · The opinion climate
tends to favour overly simplified solutions The precautionary
principle is now the accepted guideline. Even if a hypothesis is not
100 per cent scientifically proven, action should be taken, e.g.
global warming Europe's industry is often on the defensive. Action is
typically taken when it is too late. And industrial resistence is
perceived as protection of commercial self-interests.


Date: 26 Apr 1994 (est.)
Length: 6 pages

Many industries trying to establish groups to "communicate science"
and "to lobby" EUFIC (food industry) SAGB (biotechnology) Heidelberg
Appeal (global warming)

Date: 1992 (est.)
Length: 5 pages

*Late lst quarter/early 2nd quarter
*Procedural Options for Addressing the Scientific Issue Highlighted in
Global Warming and Ozone Hole Controversies, Dr. Frederick Seitz of
the George C. Marshall Institute
*40-60 regulators--Ensure credible science

Science, Economics, and Environmental Policy: A Critical Examination
Date: 11 Aug 1994
Length: 70 pages

Scientific Integrity in the Public Policy Process Semi-Final Program
930524 - 930525 the Madison Hotel 15th and M Streets, Nw Washington,
Date: 19930525/D
Length: 2 pages

CONFERENCE OVERVIEW: From global warming and ozone depletion to
biotechnology and food additives

Dr.. S. Fred Singer (Moderator) University of Virginia; president, The
Science & Environmental Policy Project

Dr. S. Fred Singer, president The Science & Environmental Policy
Project. 9:15

Environmental Tobacco Smoke
Date: 09 Dec 1996
Length: 13 pages

Press Release of The Science & Environmental Policy Project "TOP FIVE
ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY PROJECT: List Challenges Costly Policies Not
Supported By Sound Scientific Data," January 10, 1996

Philip Morris
Date: 31 Mar 1993
Length: 1 page
Jump To Images

Philip Morris
Possible Individuals to Be Approached for Opinion Editorials
Date: 02 Mar 1993
Length: 4 pages

Candace Crandall -- Executive Vice President of the Science and
Environmental Policy Project (SEPP).

She has published extensively on junk science issues in the past.
Crandall' was the Director of Communications for the Center for
Strategic and International' Studies before joining, SEPP. The primary
focus of SEPP is too document the use of scientific data in the
development of federal environmental policy. SEPP is an independent,
non-profi research group that relies on private funding.

It will co-sponsor a conference with George Mason University in May on
scientific integrity in the political process, Crandall has arranged
for a number of prominent scientists to be participants, including Dr.
Bernard Davis of Harvard University and1 Sir William Mitchell of'
Oxford University.

Crandall is Dr: Fred Singer's wife.

Issue Report Alexis Whither Environmental Regulation
Date: 01 Jul 1993
Length: 6 pages

Dr. S. Fred Singer is Professor of Environmental Sciences at the
University of Virginia and directs the Washington- based Science &
Environmental Policy Project. He is currently working on a study on
environmental regulation for the Alexis de Tocqueville Institution.

Philip Morris
Anthology of 950000's Environmental Myths
Date: 11 Feb 1996
Length: 3 pages

Copyright 1996 News World Communications, Inc. The Washington Times
February 11, 1996, Sunday, Final Edition SECTION: Part B; COMMENTARY;
Pg. B3 LENGTH: 1377 words HEADLINE: Anthology of 1995's environmental
myths BYLINE: S. Fred Singer

BODY: The primary mission of the Science & Environmental Policy
Project has been to study and analyze how science is used - or
missused - in the setting of federal environmental policies, and then
expose the most egregious examples of environmental malfeasance. There
are so many: Superfund, asbestos, Alar, acid rain, to mention just a
few - all of them costing mega-billions and backed by insubstantial
science. When we decided to list the greatest environmental myths of
1995, our board _ of experts finally settled on the following five
topics that demonstrate distortion or misuse of science in shaping
policies. We present them here to educate policy-makers and the public
in the hope that the publicity will lead to more cost-effective
policies and a healthier environment. (1) Global warming and the
Climate Treaty: During 1995, scare stories about a future catastrophic
greenhouse warming gained much momentum, while at the same time the
evidence for such warming became weaker and weaker. At the first
"Conference of the Parties" to the Global Climate Treaty in Berlin in
April, the science was ignored while the assembled "statesmen" went
ahead to establish a permanent secretariat and plan further mega-
meetings. In September, at the initiative of Al Gore, a Washington
conference promoted a new fear tied to global warming: a spread of
tropical diseases putting 3 billion people at risk. Finally, in
November (in Madrid) and December (in Rome), the U.N.-sponsored
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the scientific arm
of the Treaty, managed to approve two pre-drafted summary reports.
These can charitably be described as being "economical with the

Philip Morris
Is the Concept of Linear Relationship Between Dose and Effect Still A
Valid Model for Assessing Risk Related to Low Doses of Carcinogens? A
Restricted International Scientific Seminar 930510 - Paris (France)
Date: 10 May 1993
Length: 5 pages

International Center for a Scientific Ecology Is the concept of linear
relationship between dose and effoct still a valid model for assessing
risk related to low doses of ets? A restricted international
scienfific Seminar May 10, 1993 - Paris (France)

The seminar is organised by the International Centre for a Scientific
Ecology (see Introduction to the Centre in the appendix). The
scientific work is organised by Dr Michel Salomon, the coordinator of
the Heidelberg Appeal.

Prof. S. Fred Singer, Doctor of Physical Science; President of the
Science & Environmental Policy Project; former Director, US Weather
Satellite Program; Dean of the School of Environmental Sciences,
University of Miami; Deputy Assistant Administrator of US
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA); American. nationality;

Dr. Michel Salomon, coordinator of the Heidelberg Appeal; former
science journalist; magazine editor; French nationality.

Philip Morris
Dr. S. Fred Singer, Director the Science and Environmental Policy
Date: 08 Mar 1993 (est.)
Length: 1 page

Brown & Williamson
Public Affairs Strategies.
Date: 1900
Length: 4 pages

standpoint, we believed the most effective way to publicize the report
would be through a credibl]e highly respected "third party".

So we brought the report to the attention of the 'Science &
Environmental Policy Project", SEPP, as it is known, is a Fairfax,
Va., think-tank that studies and analyzes how science is used in
federal policy-making and encourages the use of sound science. After
reading the CRS report, SEPP was equally concerned the EPA's
conclusions and agreed more visibility was in ***@er.

{#9) SEPP NEWS RELEASE With B&W's assistance, SEEP launched a media
relations campaign in January calling attention to the "Top Five
Environmental Myths of 1995." While such issues as "global warming"
and radon were on the list, the focus was on ETS.

(#10) WASHINGTON TIMES "OP ED" In addition to news releases, SEPP
wrote "Op ed" pieces and conducted interviews on radio and television.
SEPP is continuing the "environmental myths" campaign, extending
discussion of the subject to speeches by Dr. Fred Singer, SEPP's
executive director. It's one strategy to help balance the debate.

Mayo Clinic
Length: 37 pages

created at the beginning of 1993 under the French law for nomprolit

The Board of the Center includes in particular:
- Mr Pierre Joly. President of the Association Francaise pour la
Recherche Therapeutique : former President of the International
Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association ;

- Mr Constant Burg. honorary member of the State Council ; honorary
managing director of INSERM : President of the lnstitut Curie:

- Mr Gilbert Rutman. chief mining engineer: President of the Conseil
Natioflal des Ingenieurs et des Scientifiques de France:

- Prof. S. Fred Singer. Doctor of Physical Science : President of the
Science & Environmental Policy Project : former Director US Weather
Satellite Program : Dean of the School of Environmental Sciences.
University of Miami : Deputy Assistant Administrator of US
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) :

- Mr Gary Nash. Secretary General of the International Council on
Metals and the Environment (ICME) : former Director General in the
Canada Department of Energy. Mines und Resources :

- Dr. Michel Salomon, coordinator of the Heidelberg Appeal ; former
science journalist : magazine editor.

Philip Morris
Top Five Environmental Policy "Myths" of 950000 to Be Released by
Science and Environmental Policy Project
Date: 1995 (est.)
Length: 1 page

Philip Morris
the Delaney Clause - Linchpin of the Environmental Policy Edifice
Date: 10 May 1993
Length: 4 pages

The Delaney Clause-Linchpin of the Environmental Policy Edifice Prof.
S. Fred Singer

S. Fred Singer Director, Science & Environmental Policy Project
Arlington, Virginia

Philip Morris
Junk Science at the Epa
Date: 08 Mar 1993 (est.)
Length: 3 pages

S. Fred Singer Visiting fellovv at the Hoover Institution at Stanford
University and President of the Washington. D C.-baed Science &
Environrnental Policy Project

Philip Morris
Sepp - Environmental Myths of 950000 - Smt Participant Broadcast
Date: 1995 (est.)
Length: 1 page

Philip Morris
Top Five Environmental Policy "Myths" of 950000 to Be Released by
Science and Environmental Policy Project
Date: 10 Jan 1996
Length: 3 pages

Philip Morris
Seminar of 930510 on the Linear Relationship
Date: 31 Mar 1993
Length: 3 pages

Opening speech by Chairman of the Seminar, Prof. Bruce N. Ames
(Biologist'4 Dir., Nat. Inst. of EnvironmentallHealth Sciences Center,
Berkeley, U.S.A.). 9/9.20 a.m. · How biofogically based modeis may
help extrapolating cancer risk to low doses.

· The Delaney amendment and its consequences on the American
regufation. Prof. S. Fred Singer (Physicist, former Dir., US Weather
Satellite Program; President, Science & Environmental Policy Project,
U'.S.A.). 10.20/10.30 a.m.

Noon · Case studies: Predictions and reality. - The Arsenic case.
Prof. Gerhard Stohrer (former chief, Dept!. of chemical risk, Research
Inst. Sloan-Kettering~ U.S.A.).

The DDT case. Dr. William Hazeltine (Ph.D., entomo!bgist, former
Manager of mosquito abatement in California, U.S:A.).

Philip Morris
Update 930419
Date: 19 Apr 1993
Length: 7 pages

CONFERENCE/MEETING: Scientific Integrity in the Public Process
SPONSOR: International Institute of George Mason University and the
Science and Environmental Policy Project DATE: May 24-25, 1993
LOCATION: The Madison Hotel, Washington, DC TELEPHONE NUMBER:

[Note from Heather Cooke to Tom Fitzgerald regarding report issued by
The Science & Environmental Policy Project SEPP]
Date: 27 Feb 1996
Length: 1 page

FITZGERALD I From: HEATHER COOKE Company: Brown & Williamson Phone
01784 448045 'Tobacco Corp Number: Fax No: Fax No: 0"784 448654 Date:
27/02/96 Pages To Follow: 3 Comments: I am trying to get hold of a
report issued by The Science & Environmental Policy Project (SEPP)
which relates to the attached press release. Do you have a copy that
you can fax to me or know where I might be able to get hold of a copy?
Many thanks Heather Cooke Administrator, Smoking Issues

Philip Morris
Toxic Policy at Dead End: the Case of Arsenic
Date: 10 May 1993 (est.)
Length: 6 pages

International Center for a Scientific Ecology Seminar on linear risk
assessment May 10, 1993 Toxic Policy at Dead End: The Case of Arsenic
Gerhard Strohrer Science and Environmental Policy Project 2101 Wilson
Boulevard, Suite 1003 Arlington, Virginia 22201

Philip Morris
Give Industry A Bigger Science Rol
Date: 19921229/P
Length: 1 page

Patrick J. Michaels is associate professor of environmental sciences
at the University Virginia and is affiliated with the Washington-based
Science & Environment Policy Project. The Science & Environmental
Policy Project, 2101 Wilson Blvd., #1003, Arlington, VA 22201 .(703)

2007-04-21 22:41:34 UTC
This fool needs to get a grip on netiquette. The issue is nuclear
power, not your ego.

Bush Lost Iraq War
2007-04-21 22:48:18 UTC
Post by nada
This fool needs to get a grip on netiquette. The issue is nuclear
power, not your ego.
The issue is if Dave Walters gets to kill people by throwing sand in
people's eyes using debunked discredited tactics.

Dave Walters is a Cho Seung-Hui of Usenet.

Dave Walters is Choosing You to be a victim of Mass Murder.

Like Cho Seung-Hui, Dave Walters is a sociopath utterly without pity
for his randomly chosen victims -- it's just a violent video game for
him, where he tries for the "most points" using weather of mass
destruction. 20,000 dead in France from Heat Wave, 3,000 wacked in New
Orleans, just points to keep score.

The longer you stay unaware that your death is his goal, the more his
words can infect you like poison to delay your self-defense plan.

Global Warming briefings were being given to tobacco company
executives two decades ago, while they were in the midst of carrying
out serial murders of 400,000 Americans per year with delay tactics of
hired science-falsifiers. They loaned part of their propaganda
apparatus to the OILY INC liars to delay actions on Global Warming, as
the court records show as early as 1988.

It wasn't until 1998 that the evidence came to light in courts of law,
but nine years later the same people are still doing the same frauds.

Since 1988 to 1998, 4 million Americans were killed by frauds that
said that the science on tobacco was unsettled. These are willful
deliberate premeditated murders, using people like Dave Walters to
spread their message.

Since 1998 another 3.6 million have been murdered by falsified science
"debate" keeping the settled science from being taken seriously by
thew victims of opportunity whom have been knowingly addicted by
corporate serial murderers, and their henchmen like Dave Walters.

The A.S.S. Coalition (TASSC) & Global Warming
http://TobaccoDocuments.org Court Records

To circumvent its lack of credibility with the public, policy makers
and the media, Philip Morris (PM) uses the strategy of creating front
groups. Forming an artificial third party and then assigning it an
"umbrella cause" (one which happens to mesh perfectly with the tobacco
industry's) gives PM and the industry the opportunity to create a
wholly separate, and far more credible, mouthpiece advance its
policies and political desires. In PM's front group "Associates for
Research in Substance Enjoyment," (ARISE) "scientists" lumped tobacco
use together with innocuous substances like tea and chocolate, put out
worldwide press releases saying substance use was good for you and
declared public health advocates to be puritanical, neo-prohibitionist
party poopers. After the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
declared secondhand smoke as a Class A Human Carcinogen, PM needed a
powerful group to rise up help discredit EPA's findings. Thus PM
formed "The Advancement of Sound Science Coalition," or TASSC.
Recognizing that the chemical, paper, metal, petroleum and other
environmentally-dubious industries would also be thrilled to have a
group of "committed experts" who would publicly say that scientific
warnings against their activities were not credible, PM invited these
industries to join TASSC. With the needs clear and a host of willing
help-mates waiting in the wings, PM created TASSC through a public
relations firm called APCO Associates, which helped PM distance itself
from the group. After a 2-month, $50,000 feasibility study done hand
in hand with PM's law firm of Covington and Burling, APCO began
forming TASSC. APCO did an admirable job of recruiting members for
TASSC, too. The "supporters list" (found in another document) includes
businesses from the "Family Loompya Seafood Market" and "Pinckneyville
Lighting" to sawmills, mining and chemical companies, including W.R.
Grace, Co., Amoco, and Dow Chemical. Today's document reveals the
goals of TASSC, and also APCO's enthusiasm for creating a similar
group in Europe based on its success in America and elsewhere. Title:
Thoughts on TASSC Europe Type of Document: Memo From: Tom Hockaday of
APCO Associates To: Matt Winokur, Director, Worldwide Regulatory
Affairs for Philip Morris Date: 19940324 Site: Philip Morris Tobacco
Company http://www.pmdocs.com/ Bates No. 2025492898/2905 Page Count: 8
URL: http://www.pmdocs.com/getallimg.asp?DOCID=2025492898/2905

03/28/94 15:25 '8`202 466 6004 APCO ASSOCIATES 0004 -3 - As a starting
point, we can identify key issues requiring sound scientific research
and scientists that may have an interest in them. Some issues our
European colleagues suggest include: . Global warming · Nuclear waste
disposal · Diseases and pests in agricultural products for
transborder trade · Biotechnology . Eco-labeling for EC products

Thoughts on Tassc Europe
Date: 25 Mar 1994

-3- As a starting point, we can identify key issues requiring sound
scientific research and scientists that may have an interest in them.
Some issues our European colleagues suggest include: . Global
warming . Nuclear waste disposal . Diseases and pests in agricultural
products for transborder trade . Biotechnology . Eco-labeling for EC
products . Food processing and packaging

-5- decisions. The supporters of the Appeal are a loose-knit group.
The effort to expand the support of the Appeal is handled through Dr.
M. Saloman of the International Center for Scientific Ecology (Paris).

In discussions with a number of our scientific supporters and with Dr.
Fred Singer (a member of the Board of the International Center for
Scientific Ecology), there is belief that this initial support could
be organized into a more "formal movement" internationally. The
benefits of attempting to use this group as a basis of extending TASSC
include: Several of TASSC's scientists have signed the Appeal,
providing the opportunity to approach the supporters with a "peer to
peer" approach, i.e. , a "Dear Colleague" letter.

for monitoring shaky science
Date: 28 Dec 1993

TASSC should work to make fiascos like the Alar scare as familiar to
students as rain forests or global warming.

TASSC The Advancement of Sound Science Coalition

"It is neither reasonable nor prudent for major political decisions to
be based on presumptions which, in the current state of knowledge, are
still only hypotheses, although they must certainly be examined and
even taken into account. The more or less apocalyptic scenarios evoked
in the preparatory, work for the Rio conference are not the kind of
certitudes which can be used as a basis for political decisions likely
to entail major upheavals and heavy expenditure on a global scale."
~Michael Salomon, Editorial Director, Projections Quarterly, Autumn-
Winter 1992

Scientists for Sound Public Policy Assessment Project and Symposium
Date: 1994 (est.)
Length: 19 pages

EXPLANATIONS � The political decision-makers are vulnerable to
activists' emotional appeals and press campaigns � The opinion climate
tends to favour overly simplified solutions The precautionary
principle is now the accepted guideline. Even if a hypothesis is not
100 per cent scientifically proven, action should be taken, e.g.
global warming Europe's industry is often on the defensive. Action is
typically taken when it is too late. And industrial resistence is
perceived as protection of commercial self-interests.


Date: 26 Apr 1994 (est.)
Length: 6 pages

Many industries trying to establish groups to "communicate science"
and "to lobby" EUFIC (food industry) SAGB (biotechnology) Heidelberg
Appeal (global warming)

Date: 1992 (est.)
Length: 5 pages

*Late lst quarter/early 2nd quarter
*Procedural Options for Addressing the Scientific Issue Highlighted in
Global Warming and Ozone Hole Controversies, Dr. Frederick Seitz of
the George C. Marshall Institute
*40-60 regulators--Ensure credible science

Science, Economics, and Environmental Policy: A Critical Examination
Date: 11 Aug 1994
Length: 70 pages

Scientific Integrity in the Public Policy Process Semi-Final Program
930524 - 930525 the Madison Hotel 15th and M Streets, Nw Washington,
Date: 19930525/D
Length: 2 pages

CONFERENCE OVERVIEW: From global warming and ozone depletion to
biotechnology and food additives

Dr.. S. Fred Singer (Moderator) University of Virginia; president, The
Science & Environmental Policy Project

Dr. S. Fred Singer, president The Science & Environmental Policy
Project. 9:15

Environmental Tobacco Smoke
Date: 09 Dec 1996
Length: 13 pages

Press Release of The Science & Environmental Policy Project "TOP FIVE
ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY PROJECT: List Challenges Costly Policies Not
Supported By Sound Scientific Data," January 10, 1996

Philip Morris
Date: 31 Mar 1993
Length: 1 page
Jump To Images

Philip Morris
Possible Individuals to Be Approached for Opinion Editorials
Date: 02 Mar 1993
Length: 4 pages

Candace Crandall -- Executive Vice President of the Science and
Environmental Policy Project (SEPP).

She has published extensively on junk science issues in the past.
Crandall' was the Director of Communications for the Center for
Strategic and International' Studies before joining, SEPP. The primary
focus of SEPP is too document the use of scientific data in the
development of federal environmental policy. SEPP is an independent,
non-profi research group that relies on private funding.

It will co-sponsor a conference with George Mason University in May on
scientific integrity in the political process, Crandall has arranged
for a number of prominent scientists to be participants, including Dr.
Bernard Davis of Harvard University and1 Sir William Mitchell of'
Oxford University.

Crandall is Dr: Fred Singer's wife.

Issue Report Alexis Whither Environmental Regulation
Date: 01 Jul 1993
Length: 6 pages

Dr. S. Fred Singer is Professor of Environmental Sciences at the
University of Virginia and directs the Washington- based Science &
Environmental Policy Project. He is currently working on a study on
environmental regulation for the Alexis de Tocqueville Institution.

Philip Morris
Anthology of 950000's Environmental Myths
Date: 11 Feb 1996
Length: 3 pages

Copyright 1996 News World Communications, Inc. The Washington Times
February 11, 1996, Sunday, Final Edition SECTION: Part B; COMMENTARY;
Pg. B3 LENGTH: 1377 words HEADLINE: Anthology of 1995's environmental
myths BYLINE: S. Fred Singer

BODY: The primary mission of the Science & Environmental Policy
Project has been to study and analyze how science is used - or
missused - in the setting of federal environmental policies, and then
expose the most egregious examples of environmental malfeasance. There
are so many: Superfund, asbestos, Alar, acid rain, to mention just a
few - all of them costing mega-billions and backed by insubstantial
science. When we decided to list the greatest environmental myths of
1995, our board _ of experts finally settled on the following five
topics that demonstrate distortion or misuse of science in shaping
policies. We present them here to educate policy-makers and the public
in the hope that the publicity will lead to more cost-effective
policies and a healthier environment. (1) Global warming and the
Climate Treaty: During 1995, scare stories about a future catastrophic
greenhouse warming gained much momentum, while at the same time the
evidence for such warming became weaker and weaker. At the first
"Conference of the Parties" to the Global Climate Treaty in Berlin in
April, the science was ignored while the assembled "statesmen" went
ahead to establish a permanent secretariat and plan further mega-
meetings. In September, at the initiative of Al Gore, a Washington
conference promoted a new fear tied to global warming: a spread of
tropical diseases putting 3 billion people at risk. Finally, in
November (in Madrid) and December (in Rome), the U.N.-sponsored
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the scientific arm
of the Treaty, managed to approve two pre-drafted summary reports.
These can charitably be described as being "economical with the

Philip Morris
Is the Concept of Linear Relationship Between Dose and Effect Still A
Valid Model for Assessing Risk Related to Low Doses of Carcinogens? A
Restricted International Scientific Seminar 930510 - Paris (France)
Date: 10 May 1993
Length: 5 pages

International Center for a Scientific Ecology Is the concept of linear
relationship between dose and effoct still a valid model for assessing
risk related to low doses of ets? A restricted international
scienfific Seminar May 10, 1993 - Paris (France)

The seminar is organised by the International Centre for a Scientific
Ecology (see Introduction to the Centre in the appendix). The
scientific work is organised by Dr Michel Salomon, the coordinator of
the Heidelberg Appeal.

Prof. S. Fred Singer, Doctor of Physical Science; President of the
Science & Environmental Policy Project; former Director, US Weather
Satellite Program; Dean of the School of Environmental Sciences,
University of Miami; Deputy Assistant Administrator of US
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA); American. nationality;

Dr. Michel Salomon, coordinator of the Heidelberg Appeal; former
science journalist; magazine editor; French nationality.

Philip Morris
Dr. S. Fred Singer, Director the Science and Environmental Policy
Date: 08 Mar 1993 (est.)
Length: 1 page

Brown & Williamson
Public Affairs Strategies.
Date: 1900
Length: 4 pages

standpoint, we believed the most effective way to publicize the report
would be through a credibl]e highly respected "third party".

So we brought the report to the attention of the 'Science &
Environmental Policy Project", SEPP, as it is known, is a Fairfax,
Va., think-tank that studies and analyzes how science is used in
federal policy-making and encourages the use of sound science. After
reading the CRS report, SEPP was equally concerned the EPA's
conclusions and agreed more visibility was in ***@er.

{#9) SEPP NEWS RELEASE With B&W's assistance, SEEP launched a media
relations campaign in January calling attention to the "Top Five
Environmental Myths of 1995." While such issues as "global warming"
and radon were on the list, the focus was on ETS.

(#10) WASHINGTON TIMES "OP ED" In addition to news releases, SEPP
wrote "Op ed" pieces and conducted interviews on radio and television.
SEPP is continuing the "environmental myths" campaign, extending
discussion of the subject to speeches by Dr. Fred Singer, SEPP's
executive director. It's one strategy to help balance the debate.

Mayo Clinic
Length: 37 pages

created at the beginning of 1993 under the French law for nomprolit

The Board of the Center includes in particular:
- Mr Pierre Joly. President of the Association Francaise pour la
Recherche Therapeutique : former President of the International
Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association ;

- Mr Constant Burg. honorary member of the State Council ; honorary
managing director of INSERM : President of the lnstitut Curie:

- Mr Gilbert Rutman. chief mining engineer: President of the Conseil
Natioflal des Ingenieurs et des Scientifiques de France:

- Prof. S. Fred Singer. Doctor of Physical Science : President of the
Science & Environmental Policy Project : former Director US Weather
Satellite Program : Dean of the School of Environmental Sciences.
University of Miami : Deputy Assistant Administrator of US
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) :

- Mr Gary Nash. Secretary General of the International Council on
Metals and the Environment (ICME) : former Director General in the
Canada Department of Energy. Mines und Resources :

- Dr. Michel Salomon, coordinator of the Heidelberg Appeal ; former
science journalist : magazine editor.

Philip Morris
Top Five Environmental Policy "Myths" of 950000 to Be Released by
Science and Environmental Policy Project
Date: 1995 (est.)
Length: 1 page

Philip Morris
the Delaney Clause - Linchpin of the Environmental Policy Edifice
Date: 10 May 1993
Length: 4 pages

The Delaney Clause-Linchpin of the Environmental Policy Edifice Prof.
S. Fred Singer

S. Fred Singer Director, Science & Environmental Policy Project
Arlington, Virginia

Philip Morris
Junk Science at the Epa
Date: 08 Mar 1993 (est.)
Length: 3 pages

S. Fred Singer Visiting fellovv at the Hoover Institution at Stanford
University and President of the Washington. D C.-baed Science &
Environrnental Policy Project

Philip Morris
Sepp - Environmental Myths of 950000 - Smt Participant Broadcast
Date: 1995 (est.)
Length: 1 page

Philip Morris
Top Five Environmental Policy "Myths" of 950000 to Be Released by
Science and Environmental Policy Project
Date: 10 Jan 1996
Length: 3 pages

Philip Morris
Seminar of 930510 on the Linear Relationship
Date: 31 Mar 1993
Length: 3 pages

Opening speech by Chairman of the Seminar, Prof. Bruce N. Ames
(Biologist'4 Dir., Nat. Inst. of EnvironmentallHealth Sciences Center,
Berkeley, U.S.A.). 9/9.20 a.m. · How biofogically based modeis may
help extrapolating cancer risk to low doses.

� The Delaney amendment and its consequences on the American
regufation. Prof. S. Fred Singer (Physicist, former Dir., US Weather
Satellite Program; President, Science & Environmental Policy Project,
U'.S.A.). 10.20/10.30 a.m.

Noon � Case studies: Predictions and reality. - The Arsenic case.
Prof. Gerhard Stohrer (former chief, Dept!. of chemical risk, Research
Inst. Sloan-Kettering~ U.S.A.).

The DDT case. Dr. William Hazeltine (Ph.D., entomo!bgist, former
Manager of mosquito abatement in California, U.S:A.).

Philip Morris
Update 930419
Date: 19 Apr 1993
Length: 7 pages

CONFERENCE/MEETING: Scientific Integrity in the Public Process
SPONSOR: International Institute of George Mason University and the
Science and Environmental Policy Project DATE: May 24-25, 1993
LOCATION: The Madison Hotel, Washington, DC TELEPHONE NUMBER:

[Note from Heather Cooke to Tom Fitzgerald regarding report issued by
The Science & Environmental Policy Project SEPP]
Date: 27 Feb 1996
Length: 1 page

FITZGERALD I From: HEATHER COOKE Company: Brown & Williamson Phone
01784 448045 'Tobacco Corp Number: Fax No: Fax No: 0"784 448654 Date:
27/02/96 Pages To Follow: 3 Comments: I am trying to get hold of a
report issued by The Science & Environmental Policy Project (SEPP)
which relates to the attached press release. Do you have a copy that
you can fax to me or know where I might be able to get hold of a copy?
Many thanks Heather Cooke Administrator, Smoking Issues

Philip Morris
Toxic Policy at Dead End: the Case of Arsenic
Date: 10 May 1993 (est.)
Length: 6 pages

International Center for a Scientific Ecology Seminar on linear risk
assessment May 10, 1993 Toxic Policy at Dead End: The Case of Arsenic
Gerhard Strohrer Science and Environmental Policy Project 2101 Wilson
Boulevard, Suite 1003 Arlington, Virginia 22201

Philip Morris
Give Industry A Bigger Science Rol
Date: 19921229/P
Length: 1 page

Patrick J. Michaels is associate professor of environmental sciences
at the University Virginia and is affiliated with the Washington-based
Science & Environment Policy Project. The Science & Environmental
Policy Project, 2101 Wilson Blvd., #1003, Arlington, VA 22201 .(703)

2007-04-22 01:11:45 UTC
The point is that you are babbling instead of sticking to the issue of
nuclear energy, the debates and discussions, and ruining any since you
stupidly keep changing the subject header. No one gives a shit about
me, or you, but the subject. Stick to the subject.

