3 out of 4 voters want NZ to stay GE-Free; does National? (Green Party media release
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Alan Liefting
2005-08-16 01:14:05 UTC
16 August 2005

3 out of 4 voters want NZ to stay GE-Free; does National?

The three out of four voters who want New Zealand's food production to
remain GE-Free deserve to know where all political parties, particularly
National, stand on the GE issue, Green Co-Leader Jeanette Fitzsimons says.

The Sustainability Council has today released a new poll that has found
74.5 percent are in favour of New Zealand's food production remaining
GE-Free. This is up from 70.3 percent support in answer to the same
question in an August 2003 poll. It confirms polls commissioned by the
Green Party before the 2002 election, which showed between two thirds,
and three quarters of New Zealanders were not in favour of GE release.

"The Sustainability Council has challenged political parties to say
where they stand. In case anyone has any doubts, the Green Party's
position remains that there must be no release of living Genetically
Modified Organisms, GMOs, into New Zealand's environment or food production.

"Voters going into the polling booths on 17 September have a right to
know particularly where the National Party stands on GE. Given the clear
concern in the farming community to the potential damage to our markets
from a GE release, they would be wise to also respond to the
Sustainability Council's call," Ms Fitzsimons says.
2005-08-17 02:43:21 UTC
On Tue, 16 Aug 2005 13:14:05 +1200, Alan Liefting
Post by Alan Liefting
16 August 2005
3 out of 4 voters want NZ to stay GE-Free; does National?
The three out of four voters who want New Zealand's food production to
remain GE-Free deserve to know where all political parties, particularly
National, stand on the GE issue, Green Co-Leader Jeanette Fitzsimons says.
The Sustainability Council has today released a new poll that has found
74.5 percent are in favour of New Zealand's food production remaining
GE-Free. This is up from 70.3 percent support in answer to the same
question in an August 2003 poll. It confirms polls commissioned by the
Green Party before the 2002 election, which showed between two thirds,
and three quarters of New Zealanders were not in favour of GE release.
"The Sustainability Council has challenged political parties to say
where they stand. In case anyone has any doubts, the Green Party's
position remains that there must be no release of living Genetically
Modified Organisms, GMOs, into New Zealand's environment or food production.
"Voters going into the polling booths on 17 September have a right to
know particularly where the National Party stands on GE. Given the clear
concern in the farming community to the potential damage to our markets
from a GE release, they would be wise to also respond to the
Sustainability Council's call," Ms Fitzsimons says.
Yep - keep the crap coming Alan - voting will be over soon and we can
get back to our genetically modified existance - please advise any
food we eat that hasn't been genetically modified?

Please stop polling the idiots - you are only confirming that 70% of
NZ citizens are clinically brain dead and should have been genically
culled like nature does every day.


Alan Liefting
2005-08-18 23:03:12 UTC
Post by BrentC
Please stop polling the idiots - you are only confirming that 70% of
NZ citizens are clinically brain dead and should have been genically
culled like nature does every day.
So should the politician ignore the wishes of the "clinically brain
dead" citizens that make up 70% the NZ population?
Or should they ONLY listen to the other 30%?

2005-10-16 16:20:50 UTC
This is irrelevant. If large vertically integrated international food
conglomerates want GMO foods in New Zealand, it will happen. There isn't a
lot you can do about it either. Look at the labels on the products in your
local stupidmarkets. Anything foreign made should be viewed with suspicion
as there there will be no flags on the ingredient list to indicate the use
of Frankenfoods.

Farmer John
45N 77W
Post by Alan Liefting
16 August 2005
3 out of 4 voters want NZ to stay GE-Free; does National?
The three out of four voters who want New Zealand's food production to
remain GE-Free deserve to know where all political parties, particularly
National, stand on the GE issue, Green Co-Leader Jeanette Fitzsimons says.
The Sustainability Council has today released a new poll that has found
74.5 percent are in favour of New Zealand's food production remaining
GE-Free. This is up from 70.3 percent support in answer to the same
question in an August 2003 poll. It confirms polls commissioned by the
Green Party before the 2002 election, which showed between two thirds,
and three quarters of New Zealanders were not in favour of GE release.
"The Sustainability Council has challenged political parties to say
where they stand. In case anyone has any doubts, the Green Party's
position remains that there must be no release of living Genetically
Modified Organisms, GMOs, into New Zealand's environment or food production.
"Voters going into the polling booths on 17 September have a right to
know particularly where the National Party stands on GE. Given the clear
concern in the farming community to the potential damage to our markets
from a GE release, they would be wise to also respond to the
Sustainability Council's call," Ms Fitzsimons says.