Richard Stallman with Kim Hill
(too old to reply)
2009-10-03 20:31:41 UTC
If anyone missed it. A very much better interview
than his first outing with Kim of 6 months ago or so.

Will be up for a week.



or here http://tinyurl.com/y8m6jvp

If anyone knows what he's referring to about the
new legislation being drafted in seceret, do tell.
Bruce Sinclair
2009-10-04 23:14:17 UTC
Post by Adam
If anyone missed it. A very much better interview
than his first outing with Kim of 6 months ago or so.
Will be up for a week.
or here http://tinyurl.com/y8m6jvp
If anyone knows what he's referring to about the
new legislation being drafted in seceret, do tell.
I suspect that's a refernece to various "treaties" that don't get consulted
on. Then you agree to and ratify the treaty, then pass laws to do what the
treaty says ... cleverly leaving out the bit where the NZ population gets a
say in the outcome. :)
2009-10-05 01:39:35 UTC
I suspect that's a referenece to various "treaties" that don't get
consulted on. Then you agree to and ratify the treaty, then pass laws to
do what the treaty says ... cleverly leaving out the bit where the NZ
population gets a say in the outcome. :)
Yes. And in this case probably an NZ version of DMCA

Bruce Sinclair
2009-10-05 04:03:13 UTC
Post by Adam
I suspect that's a referenece to various "treaties" that don't get
consulted on. Then you agree to and ratify the treaty, then pass laws to
do what the treaty says ... cleverly leaving out the bit where the NZ
population gets a say in the outcome. :)
Yes. And in this case probably an NZ version of DMCA
Thanks ... but suggest leaving a bit more context in future. :)
2009-10-05 08:11:49 UTC
What's your position on top-posting, Bruce?
Post by Bruce Sinclair
Post by Adam
I suspect that's a referenece to various "treaties" that don't get
consulted on. Then you agree to and ratify the treaty, then pass laws to
do what the treaty says ... cleverly leaving out the bit where the NZ
population gets a say in the outcome. :)
Yes. And in this case probably an NZ version of DMCA
Thanks ... but suggest leaving a bit more context in future. :)
Bruce Sinclair
2009-10-05 23:07:48 UTC
Post by Adam
Post by Bruce Sinclair
Post by Adam
I suspect that's a referenece to various "treaties" that don't get
consulted on. Then you agree to and ratify the treaty, then pass laws to
do what the treaty says ... cleverly leaving out the bit where the NZ
population gets a say in the outcome. :)
Yes. And in this case probably an NZ version of DMCA
Thanks ... but suggest leaving a bit more context in future. :)
What's your position on top-posting, Bruce?
That's easy (and obvious) ...
A: Post your responses after the portion of the message to which
you're replying.
Q: So what should we do?
A: Because it reverses the order in which we read things.
Q: Why is top-posting a bad idea?

Add to that the fact that a correct .sig cuts the sig and everything below
it out of the message. If the .sig is at the top, ALL the context is cut.

Basically, it's a dumb idea - but you knew that. :)
2009-10-06 07:49:17 UTC
Post by Bruce Sinclair
Post by Adam
Post by Bruce Sinclair
Post by Adam
I suspect that's a referenece to various "treaties" that don't get
consulted on. Then you agree to and ratify the treaty, then pass laws
to do what the treaty says ... cleverly leaving out the bit where the
NZ population gets a say in the outcome. :)
Yes. And in this case probably an NZ version of DMCA
Thanks ... but suggest leaving a bit more context in future. :)
What's your position on top-posting, Bruce?
That's easy (and obvious) ...
A: Post your responses after the portion of the message to which
you're replying.
Q: So what should we do?
A: Because it reverses the order in which we read things.
Q: Why is top-posting a bad idea?
Add to that the fact that a correct .sig cuts the sig and everything below
it out of the message. If the .sig is at the top, ALL the context is cut.
Basically, it's a dumb idea - but you knew that. :)
Thanks, Bruce. Yes I guess I did.

Not much traffic on n.s.g, so a pleasure to chat.

As I approach retirement age, I simply cannot come
to terms with the serial poor governance in NZ. True,
I even voted for Muldoon once, then Labour for a while,
then the Green Party for a while. Strategic voting
then is hardly a pleasure and certainly a tempting
instinct these days. The Green Party lost its zap.

So with Mr Stallman, its refreshing to hear an activist
with some principals speaking well. And often bang on.

The latest is the to-ing and fro-ing with NZ Rail.
With Mr Brownlee looking at the DoC land to dig.
And one failed SoE after another after another.

I do wonder how this (probably widespread) ennui or
fury will manifest itself come the next election or
by-election. I doubt I am alone in this.
Bruce Sinclair
2009-10-06 22:56:40 UTC
Post by Adam
Not much traffic on n.s.g, so a pleasure to chat.
There's not is there.
Post by Adam
As I approach retirement age, I simply cannot come
to terms with the serial poor governance in NZ.
Well, "long term planning" in NZ (and indeed, many places and organisations)
seems to mean 'about 3-5 years'. To me that's only short term ... and I'm
constantly amazed at the apparent priorities (eg "the economy" - whatever
that is :) - takes precedence over, well ... everything else) ... or lack of
them that planning is done for. I can only imagine that most people are
incapable of thinking much past a year or so ... and are totally incapable
of setting real priorities. Sad. Very sad.

Post by Adam
So with Mr Stallman, its refreshing to hear an activist
with some principals speaking well. And often bang on.
I didn't hear all the interview but enjoyed what I did hear.
Post by Adam
The latest is the to-ing and fro-ing with NZ Rail.
With Mr Brownlee looking at the DoC land to dig.
And one failed SoE after another after another.
Failed SOE ?
As to digging ... don't they realise how valuable those deposits will be in
100 years ? Sometimes (often ?) doing nothing is in fact the cleverest
thing to do 'economically' too. :)
Post by Adam
I do wonder how this (probably widespread) ennui or
fury will manifest itself come the next election or
by-election. I doubt I am alone in this.
I just can't see how anyone can get pollies of any sort to think past 2.5
years ... there's no reason for them to do that ... except that that is the
only clever option. Clever is, however, not a requirement for
getting into parliament sadly. :)

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