Post by Alan LieftingAnthropogenic global warming is nothing but a bloody great rort by
academics and bureaucrats intent on their job security.
That is a pretty good ad hominem argument. How about arguing the
facts rather than accusing people of having a vested interest.
Because they DO have a vested interest, and "qui bono?" is and should
be the first question asked in any investigation of such things.
The post-modern hippies ratn and rave and froth at the mouth about the
millions paid to modern CEO's, and accuse them on that basis of
destructive levels of greed and callousness.
But when one points out to them the BILLIONS being paid to bureaucrats
and public payroll "scientists" then they get offended on behalf of
these incorruptible paragons of virtue, and it's only a coincidence
that these two classes believe the same things ...
It's just not credible ... the lady doth protest overmuch ...
Post by Alan LieftingAre ALL of the tens of thousands of scientists and academics working
in the field of climate science simply in it for job security?
The ones on a government payroll (i.e. the vast majority)?
Post by Alan LieftingAre you 100% sure climate change is not happening?
Or maybe 99%? Or 98%?
That's never been the question. The word climate itself only HAS
meaning because it is always changing. the questions are about to what
degree (if any) it is anthropogenic, to what degree CO2 contributes to
some marginal change beyond what was happening anyway (if any), and
what (if anything) we could do about this, should we want to make the
Subsidiary to these considerations is the one on how much of our
current civilisation will we choose to destroy in order to pander to
those who think they already know the answers to these questions, even
though they're unable to make a convincing honest argument to justify
their conclusions?
None of these have much to do with your questions, which are almost
entirely irrelevant...