Motor Racing & Noise Pollution - CHCH
(too old to reply)
2006-10-29 04:34:28 UTC
2006-10-29 04:59:27 UTC
Post by Smith
You whinging fucking wowser. You bought a house near an established
motorsport venue so I have absolutely no sympathy for you.
2006-10-29 05:13:34 UTC
will say this once and once only .. MORON... the town I live in was there
100 years before the track . You obviously failed comprehension lessons at
school - you DID go to school did you ? try reading the facts. hillbilly.
Post by EMB
Post by Smith
You whinging fucking wowser. You bought a house near an established
motorsport venue so I have absolutely no sympathy for you.
Matty F
2006-10-29 06:06:57 UTC
Post by Smith
will say this once and once only .. MORON... the town I live in was there
100 years before the track . You obviously failed comprehension lessons at
school - you DID go to school did you ? try reading the facts. hillbilly.
Did you move into your house knowing that the racetrack was there?
What's the big deal? It's not keeping you awake after 11pm is it?
Post by Smith
Post by EMB
Post by Smith
You whinging fucking wowser. You bought a house near an established
motorsport venue so I have absolutely no sympathy for you.
Ricky E
2006-10-29 22:26:04 UTC
Post by Matty F
Post by Smith
will say this once and once only .. MORON... the town I live in was there
100 years before the track . You obviously failed comprehension lessons at
school - you DID go to school did you ? try reading the facts. hillbilly.
Did you move into your house knowing that the racetrack was there?
What's the big deal? It's not keeping you awake after 11pm is it?
Smith must of gone to a real estate agency that requires you to put on

a blind fold when going out to the house with a agent
Post by Matty F
Post by Smith
Post by EMB
Post by Smith
You whinging fucking wowser. You bought a house near an established
motorsport venue so I have absolutely no sympathy for you.
2006-10-29 06:53:21 UTC
Post by Smith
will say this once and once only .. MORON... the town I live in was there
100 years before the track . You obviously failed comprehension lessons at
school - you DID go to school did you ? try reading the facts. hillbilly.
Unless you lived in your present location prior to the first meeting
held there on April 29th 1962 then you knew full well there was a
racetrack in the area before you purchased your property. If you didn't
do your homework before buying there it's you that's the moron. Even if
you did live there prior to this date, you had an opportunity to object
at the time, and at every time the facility has been extended since.
Historical inaction of your part doesn't give you any right to bleat and
moan now. If it will make you feel better I'll send you some earplugs,
otherwise just shut the fuck up because you haven't got a valid complaint.
2006-10-29 07:11:05 UTC
Post by EMB
Post by Smith
will say this once and once only .. MORON... the town I live in was there
100 years before the track . You obviously failed comprehension lessons at
school - you DID go to school did you ? try reading the facts. hillbilly.
Unless you lived in your present location prior to the first meeting
held there on April 29th 1962 then you knew full well there was a
racetrack in the area before you purchased your property. If you didn't
do your homework before buying there it's you that's the moron. Even if
you did live there prior to this date, you had an opportunity to object
at the time, and at every time the facility has been extended since.
Historical inaction of your part doesn't give you any right to bleat and
moan now. If it will make you feel better I'll send you some earplugs,
otherwise just shut the fuck up because you haven't got a valid complaint.
Yeah I agree. The loser posted the same diatribe here last Year and
will do so next year and the Year after. Shut the windows and turn the
TV up instead of making a habit of listening for the noise to moan.

Cheers Corky
Karen Hayward-King
2006-10-29 17:45:31 UTC
Post by Smith
will say this once and once only .. MORON... the town I live in was there
100 years before the track . You obviously failed comprehension lessons at
school - you DID go to school did you ? try reading the facts. hillbilly.
Did you buy or rent your house knowing that it was near a race track?

Karen Hayward-King

'Blood brothers in the stormy night
With a vow to defend
No retreat, baby, no surrender...'
Bruce Springsteen
2006-10-29 19:05:08 UTC
well I guess i'm lucky - I'm born and bred here and i was born well before
1962 - so gee whiz, that gives me the right to complain about this
appalling noise, it also gives my friends the right to complain .... and
their children too actually

The law also gives the people who are buying into subdivisions around
Templeton the right to complain - and so what ? - Council has given the
noisiest pastime in the world permission to operate 365 days a year while at
the same time allowing subdivision in the area .

any one who bothered to read the blog might see that this noise is
happening every single weekend , and often seven days a week , and sometimes
14 hours a day - this is a case where the noise makers need to be regulated
NOT punish those who have quietly gone about their lives intruding and
imposing on no one.
As for the character below who suggests that people should get out and take
videos of boy racers - how DOES one ( and why would you? ) take a video of
a car on an unlit road travelling at 140-150kmh at night ? WHY would a
person stand outside during the day and take videos of boy racers when
hedges have been set alight, when bottles are thrown at locals , when even
the police refuse to come out because " we're not going to place a police
officer in jeopardy " WHY should locals who have put up with this by
product of ruapuna for two years even have to waste breath trying to ger rid
of them ? Certainly no locals invite them out here, its ruapuna who keep
doing that with their pollutant 'skid fests " and drift racing days, locals
don't see ruapuna out there dealing with their clientele, picking up their
rubbish after events - as the posters around the town say
" remind us exactly what ruapuna contributes to templeton ? - besides noise

I can only assume none of you read the blog , otherwise the question "
Did you buy or rent your house knowing that it was near a race track? "
wouldn't have been asked . But then i suppose educating yourself about a
problem might just be too much to expect - far easier to rely on the old
knee jerk reactions isn't it ?

The Press Editorial on the Blog says it all - Noise from Motor racing and
housing doesn't mix - and while people driving race cars insist on NOISE as
part of the equation then they can expect to be treated as polluters -
mufflers were invented at the same time as the car .
Post by Karen Hayward-King
Post by Smith
will say this once and once only .. MORON... the town I live in was there
100 years before the track . You obviously failed comprehension lessons at
school - you DID go to school did you ? try reading the facts. hillbilly.
Did you buy or rent your house knowing that it was near a race track?
Karen Hayward-King
'Blood brothers in the stormy night
With a vow to defend
No retreat, baby, no surrender...'
Bruce Springsteen
2006-10-29 19:32:51 UTC
Post by Smith
well I guess i'm lucky - I'm born and bred here and i was born well before
1962 - so gee whiz, that gives me the right to complain about this
appalling noise, it also gives my friends the right to complain .... and
their children too actually
Answer the question - In what year did you buy your present house?
2006-10-29 19:58:31 UTC
I BUILT my present house , in the 1950's. Answer this question - your
bullying tone suggests you must be one of those who either drives a car loud
enough to be heard miles away ( ie "i'm having fun and bugger anybody else )
or you're a boy racer ( ie "i'm having fun and bugger anybody else ) -
which are you ?
Post by EMB
Post by Smith
well I guess i'm lucky - I'm born and bred here and i was born well before
1962 - so gee whiz, that gives me the right to complain about this
appalling noise, it also gives my friends the right to complain .... and
their children too actually
Answer the question - In what year did you buy your present house?
2006-10-29 20:51:24 UTC
Post by Smith
I BUILT my present house , in the 1950's. Answer this question - your
bullying tone suggests you must be one of those who either drives a car loud
enough to be heard miles away ( ie "i'm having fun and bugger anybody else )
or you're a boy racer ( ie "i'm having fun and bugger anybody else ) -
which are you ?
I am inclined to sympathise when petrol heads simply drive round in circles
wasting fuel.

If they weren't nearly brain dead as well as deaf, then they might find a
way of directing the many kilowatts of noise into the wheels so as to
actually achieve their objective with a much quieter more efficient engine.
It does seem that the making of noise is also an objective though - and we
all know empty barrels make the same noise. I may be that "look at ME "
2006-10-29 21:32:58 UTC
Post by Smith
I BUILT my present house , in the 1950's. Answer this question - your
bullying tone suggests you must be one of those who either drives a car loud
enough to be heard miles away ( ie "i'm having fun and bugger anybody else )
or you're a boy racer ( ie "i'm having fun and bugger anybody else ) -
which are you ?
Neither. My street vehicle is a diesel Hilux in exactly the state it
left the factory (ie quiet and non-performance). My competition
vehicles are only ever used at racetracks and meet the relevant noise
limits set down by the motorsport authorities.

Incidentally, I was wrong with my date that Ruapuna was established as a
racetrack (I gave the date of the first speedway meeting) - it was some
time prior to 1955 so it quite possibly existed when you built your
house. You however are too dishonest to correct my error when it
weakens your argument.

It's also interesting to see that from 1990 to 1999 the council received
no (zero) complaints about noise. Even from 1999 to 2005 only 10
complaints were received. This shows that the problem is not severe, as
even if YOU personally made every complaint in that period, the noise
only affected you once every 18 months on average.


Balancing out the number of affected residents (10 maximum based on the
complaints) against the number of persons involved in racing at Ruapuna
over that period (tens of thousands) shows that any change in the status
quo would be pandering to a self-interested minority. You'll just have
to accept things as they are and realise that the interests of the
greater motorsport community far outweigh your newly perceived problem
with the long term noise from an established activity.

Incidentally, I now feel very tempted to remove some of the (expensive)
noise minimisation measures on my race car the next time I race at
Ruapuna, and I'm sure that after I publicise your point of view many of
my fellow competitors will feel the same way. Our vehicles would still
meet class requirements for noise, but will be noticeably louder than in
their normal race configuration. It might be time to understand that
you don't want to get into a pissing contest with the competitors -
based purely on numbers we will win every time.
2006-10-29 22:12:59 UTC
Oh yes - I don't agree with you so i'll bully you with noise . Why am I not
surprised ? Do you have any idea when the Templeton Golf Course was
established ? I was a member there until the noise from Ruapuna became so
bad that a quiet round of Golf was impossible.
As for your silly little trick question regarding dates - the fact that my
house was here before the racetrack - AND the drag strip - AND the burnout
pad actually counts for nought - the fact is that Ruapuna has become a
nuisance, the young family around the corner who have lived there for 9
years have as much reason to complain about your infernal noise as I do.

Your "sport" is losing relevance quickly, any pastime that relies on fossil
fuels is on a hiding to nothing, your obsession with noise - and with
foisting it onto residents who have no interest in your hobby , shows that
you just don't understand the first thing about living & behaving
considerately ( your fellow polluters in Speedway foist THEIR noise onto
households as far away as Prebbleton, indeed they can be heard on the Port
Hills some nights - what arrogance is that ?)
As for ringing Noise Control - well actually I would suggest that there is
no point and I certainly don't bother , nor do my neighbours , N.C are
interested only in flags that make noise.
at the end of the day, all of your facts and figures are a waste of time,
foisting this amount of noise onto a whole community so that YOU can pop
your earplugs in and drive your car around in circles for a few hours has to
be one of the most arrogant behaviours I can think of.
I have to say here that for years I took no notice at all of the activities
at Ruapuna - the occasional Speedway meeting would have me gnashing my teeth
but Ruapuna was only ever an irritation in the distance, now you have turned
into a major pain in the rear and I know that many , many people who share
my community agree with this.
Take your muffler off your car - it would make no difference out here , its
so bloody noisy anyway - and how interested locals will be to read YOUR
comments threatening them with more noise because they dare to suggest you
and your chums curb your noise - bullies indeed.

i can think
Post by EMB
Post by Smith
I BUILT my present house , in the 1950's. Answer this question - your
bullying tone suggests you must be one of those who either drives a car loud
enough to be heard miles away ( ie "i'm having fun and bugger anybody else )
or you're a boy racer ( ie "i'm having fun and bugger anybody else ) -
which are you ?
Neither. My street vehicle is a diesel Hilux in exactly the state it
left the factory (ie quiet and non-performance). My competition
vehicles are only ever used at racetracks and meet the relevant noise
limits set down by the motorsport authorities.
Incidentally, I was wrong with my date that Ruapuna was established as a
racetrack (I gave the date of the first speedway meeting) - it was some
time prior to 1955 so it quite possibly existed when you built your
house. You however are too dishonest to correct my error when it
weakens your argument.
It's also interesting to see that from 1990 to 1999 the council received
no (zero) complaints about noise. Even from 1999 to 2005 only 10
complaints were received. This shows that the problem is not severe, as
even if YOU personally made every complaint in that period, the noise
only affected you once every 18 months on average.
Post by EMB
Balancing out the number of affected residents (10 maximum based on the
complaints) against the number of persons involved in racing at Ruapuna
over that period (tens of thousands) shows that any change in the status
quo would be pandering to a self-interested minority. You'll just have
to accept things as they are and realise that the interests of the
greater motorsport community far outweigh your newly perceived problem
with the long term noise from an established activity.
Incidentally, I now feel very tempted to remove some of the (expensive)
noise minimisation measures on my race car the next time I race at
Ruapuna, and I'm sure that after I publicise your point of view many of
my fellow competitors will feel the same way. Our vehicles would still
meet class requirements for noise, but will be noticeably louder than in
their normal race configuration. It might be time to understand that
you don't want to get into a pissing contest with the competitors -
based purely on numbers we will win every time.
2006-10-30 01:35:48 UTC
Post by Smith
Oh yes - I don't agree with you so i'll bully you with noise . Why am I not
surprised ? Do you have any idea when the Templeton Golf Course was
established ? I was a member there until the noise from Ruapuna became so
bad that a quiet round of Golf was impossible.
As for your silly little trick question regarding dates - the fact that my
house was here before the racetrack - AND the drag strip - AND the burnout
pad actually counts for nought - the fact is that Ruapuna has become a
nuisance, the young family around the corner who have lived there for 9
years have as much reason to complain about your infernal noise as I do.
It wasn't a trick question - I got my initial research wrong. You were
too dishonest to point out my error because it strengthened my argument.
Post by Smith
Take your muffler off your car - it would make no difference out here , its
so bloody noisy anyway - and how interested locals will be to read YOUR
comments threatening them with more noise because they dare to suggest you
and your chums curb your noise - bullies indeed.
You miss my point. I never said I would remove the muffler. I, as do
most other motorsport competitors, keep my racecar well within the noise
limits set by the sport's governing body. It costs me significant money
to do this. If wankers like you wish to bleat and moan about the noise
that we go to extensive effort to minimise then you can expect us to
reduce that effort and just scrape in under the noise limits as our
efforts are totally unappreciated.
2006-10-30 02:16:42 UTC
Post by EMB
It wasn't a trick question - I got my initial research wrong. You were
too dishonest to point out my error because it strengthened my argument.
Not dishonest - just not interested in your dates & research - i 'm fairly
certain I know when I was born and when I built my home and I've lived out
here before Ruapuna was here - so you can stick your research up your extra
big exhaust pipe- I also KNOW that it actually doesn't matter how long a
person has lived in a place for a noise to be a problem , yours and others
comments and questions about length of residence out here are the types of
responses made by people with no decent answers. A bit like suggesting that
a battered wife deserves it or that a burglary victim should have built a
brick wall around their home... YOUR noise is a pollutant and a major
irritant . Nobody - no matter where they live, or how long they've lived
there - deserves to be assailed by this kind of noise on this many days a
year . I suggest you all invest in playstations with earphones and make as
much brrmm brrmmm noise as you want - why people living in Templeton,
Prebbleton, Hei Hei, Yaldhurst and Hornby should have to listen to your
noise is beyond me. Why people playing Golf on the course next to your
facility should have to listen to this noise nearly every day
is beyond me ( actually this is a
mild example , i've heard single cars that are louder than this, endlessly
droning around the track on a weekday ) , not only this, they also have to
listen to PA system from the mini cars and their hideous high pitched
squealing as well as actual race days from Ruapuna .
$300,000 of ratepayers money has been tipped into the hat that Ruapuna keeps
holding out, and thats only since 2003 , that doesn't include pub charity
grants either - for a pastime that's supposed to be so bloody popular you
lot sure have your hand in the ratepayers pockets a lot.
2006-10-30 04:16:44 UTC
Post by Smith
$300,000 of ratepayers money has been tipped into the hat that Ruapuna keeps
holding out, and thats only since 2003 , that doesn't include pub charity
grants either - for a pastime that's supposed to be so bloody popular you
lot sure have your hand in the ratepayers pockets a lot.
No different than the ratepayer money that is put into the three golf
courses owned by your local council.
P& Q
2006-10-30 05:08:59 UTC
Since first spotting Smith's post this morning i've taken the trouble to
phone a few people and to read the Blog . I'm surprised actually at the
venomous replies to smith . A quick read of the blog shows me that this lot
don't even want to shut ruapuna down, and that the noise ( and the
frequency of it ) IS appalling.
I made a call to a nephew, who plays golf at a reasonably high level, he
isn't a member at Templeton but sometimes plays there in Tournaments , he
said the last time he played there was in a 'Woodward Cup " match and one of
his playing partners texted a friend to bring earplugs down to the course
for him because the noise was so bad. He said that on certain holes they had
to yell to talk to each other. ( As an aside he also told me about an
incident that day where a car leaving ruapuna with a race car on a trailer
drove slowly up the road and then tooted its horn repeatedly when a player
in his group lifted his club back to tee off - how's that for ignorance ?)
I also phoned a friend who lives in Prebbleton because to be honest I
doubted smith's assertion that they can hear the racing from there. They
I'm quite shocked that this level of noise is allowed in this day and age
and i'm surprised and disappointed that the C.C.C has had a part in this.
I make efforts not to impinge on the rights of others, I play my radio and
stereo reasonably quietly because I don't imagine for one minute that my
neighbours might enjoy the same music I do . If I want to listen to loud
music I pop my ipod on , I drive a quiet car and i'd never buy a leaf
blower because I know how annoying the sound of them is to others , so,
frankly I find it disturbing that on the fringes of our city a group of
people are forcing , what seems to be a perfectly optional noise ( why WON'T
you quieten your cars down ?) onto huge tracts of homes . Shame on you.
Post by EMB
Post by Smith
Oh yes - I don't agree with you so i'll bully you with noise . Why am I not
surprised ? Do you have any idea when the Templeton Golf Course was
established ? I was a member there until the noise from Ruapuna became so
bad that a quiet round of Golf was impossible.
As for your silly little trick question regarding dates - the fact that my
house was here before the racetrack - AND the drag strip - AND the burnout
pad actually counts for nought - the fact is that Ruapuna has become a
nuisance, the young family around the corner who have lived there for 9
years have as much reason to complain about your infernal noise as I do.
It wasn't a trick question - I got my initial research wrong. You were
too dishonest to point out my error because it strengthened my argument.
Post by Smith
Take your muffler off your car - it would make no difference out here , its
so bloody noisy anyway - and how interested locals will be to read YOUR
comments threatening them with more noise because they dare to suggest you
and your chums curb your noise - bullies indeed.
You miss my point. I never said I would remove the muffler. I, as do
most other motorsport competitors, keep my racecar well within the noise
limits set by the sport's governing body. It costs me significant money
to do this. If wankers like you wish to bleat and moan about the noise
that we go to extensive effort to minimise then you can expect us to
reduce that effort and just scrape in under the noise limits as our
efforts are totally unappreciated.
E. Scrooge
2006-11-03 19:28:08 UTC
Post by P& Q
Since first spotting Smith's post this morning i've taken the trouble to
phone a few people and to read the Blog . I'm surprised actually at the
venomous replies to smith . A quick read of the blog shows me that this
lot don't even want to shut ruapuna down, and that the noise ( and the
frequency of it ) IS appalling.
I made a call to a nephew, who plays golf at a reasonably high level, he
isn't a member at Templeton but sometimes plays there in Tournaments , he
said the last time he played there was in a 'Woodward Cup " match and one
of his playing partners texted a friend to bring earplugs down to the
course for him because the noise was so bad. He said that on certain holes
they had to yell to talk to each other. ( As an aside he also told me
about an incident that day where a car leaving ruapuna with a race car on
a trailer drove slowly up the road and then tooted its horn repeatedly
when a player in his group lifted his club back to tee off - how's that
for ignorance ?)
I also phoned a friend who lives in Prebbleton because to be honest I
doubted smith's assertion that they can hear the racing from there. They
I'm quite shocked that this level of noise is allowed in this day and age
and i'm surprised and disappointed that the C.C.C has had a part in this.
I make efforts not to impinge on the rights of others, I play my radio and
stereo reasonably quietly because I don't imagine for one minute that my
neighbours might enjoy the same music I do . If I want to listen to loud
music I pop my ipod on , I drive a quiet car and i'd never buy a leaf
blower because I know how annoying the sound of them is to others , so,
frankly I find it disturbing that on the fringes of our city a group of
people are forcing , what seems to be a perfectly optional noise ( why
WON'T you quieten your cars down ?) onto huge tracts of homes . Shame on
There will always be the odd idiot. Movies portray people trying to put
golfers off a shot with noise, it's not an isolated case at all. Even other
golfers will try to put golfers off at times.

No excuse for noise at Ruapuna every day of the week. Like golf motor
racing events are done during the weekends.

Plenty of housing and golf courses around the country. Ruapuna doesn't
bother the Otago Golf Club one bit. Probably doesn't bother Shirley Golf
Club either.
People living next to Wellington airport aren't complaining. People who
live near motorways and railway tracks aren't complaining.
Another fact is that Ruapuna is well away from Christchurch, and that is for
obvious reasons.

What you and Smith need is the Gibbon at Orana Park for a neighbour. LOL

E. Scrooge
2006-11-07 10:45:01 UTC
I am entering at a late stage and I do not have the full thread.

It has been my experience that people complaining about race track, (motor
sport) have generally bought the property well aware of the tracks existence,
YET some how believe because they have moved into the area they that they
should be able to stop an existing use because they don't like it.

Levels in South Canterbury had no houses around it when it was built but now
spend large dollars defending there right to use the track.

I can name many other tracks like this I mention this one because 30 years ago
I was at its opening meeting (give or take a few years for the pedants)

Get real why is it the tracks problem???
Follow ups may be set to a single group when appropriate!
| Local 38.2330S, 175.8670E |
Craig Shore
2006-11-05 23:03:02 UTC
Post by P& Q
Since first spotting Smith's post this morning i've taken the trouble to
phone a few people and to read the Blog . I'm surprised actually at the
venomous replies to smith . A quick read of the blog shows me that this lot
don't even want to shut ruapuna down, and that the noise ( and the
frequency of it ) IS appalling.
I made a call to a nephew, who plays golf at a reasonably high level, he
isn't a member at Templeton but sometimes plays there in Tournaments , he
said the last time he played there was in a 'Woodward Cup " match and one of
his playing partners texted a friend to bring earplugs down to the course
for him because the noise was so bad. He said that on certain holes they had
to yell to talk to each other.
Oh come on, you really expect us to believe that!

As i've said here before, Ruapuna is under the approach to Christchurch
international airport. The planes are passing low overhead. In the middle of a
race, you can hear the planes over the noise of the cars. Does your friend put
his earplugs in as the planes pass overhead too?

And naturally the noise is going to be a lot louder at the golf course than
Smith's place, it's straight across the road from the race track.

and zoom it out a bit

[yes Smith, I realise you have no issues with the occasional plane]
Post by P& Q
I make efforts not to impinge on the rights of others, I play my radio and
stereo reasonably quietly because I don't imagine for one minute that my
neighbours might enjoy the same music I do . If I want to listen to loud
music I pop my ipod on , I drive a quiet car and i'd never buy a leaf
blower because I know how annoying the sound of them is to others
Better ban Mitre 10, Placemakers, Bunnings etc from selling them too then ay.

A question for Smith too, i'm curious, how does the traffic noise from the
trucks on Main South Road compare to that of the track assuming there is no
2006-11-06 21:58:10 UTC
I have little interest in convincing Ruapuna users and supporters that
their facility is loud - next you will be trying to tell me that the
Sewerage ponds don't smell - either call out to Templeton when a race
meeting is on or shut up.

Call out when one of their cars that can be heard 4 km away is droning
around the track for hours on end. Call out when a speedway meeting is still
running at 11.30pm. You could have called out last sunday when people in
Hornby had to listen to their wretched noise for over 8 hours.

Not ONE person out here signed up for, or KNEW, that a change from 120 days
to 365 days was in the pipeline, and of course not one of the clubs using
Ruapuna had the good manners to advise locals of their intentions - either
by dropping a letter into the letterbox of those living closest - (
including the Golf Course ) a task that would have taken 10 minutes - or by
placing a notice in the small community newspaper that is delivered to
everyone in this area.
As a City Planner said at a meeting a year or so ago : " it is to our regret
that WE didn't advise local residents of the proposed changes ( in the noise
rules ) ".

As for the main south road - no , generally i can't hear it from my place
,the only place where the Main South Road is quite audible is the stretch of
waterloo road between Barters & Kirk roads and even then its not that bad .
i DO hear the occasional modified car roaring along it , and on cold frosty
nights i can hear a distant rumbling of trucks and trains travelling along
the train tracks - but they come and go - and as many locals say - at least
they're DOING something, besides polluting the place .
I suppose the reason you all rant on about aeroplanes is because they fly
directly over the pits at ruapuna, if you bothered to do some research you
would know that they usually skirt the village and the golf course -
directly above is a LOT different - ask people living in Memorial Ave and
ask people living 500 metres either side of Memorial Ave.

As for the noise on the Golf Course - which I repeat - was there BEFORE
Ruapuna - once again - go stand there when a meeting is being held - you
could have gone out last Sunday and stood and tried to have a conversation
at a normal level - NOT possible - stand there when the PDL classic is on
and when even the club house and the first and second holes are swamped by
noise - now go inhale more ( leaded ) petrol fumes - your so called sport is
looking more and more like a dinosaur - bound for extinction unless you
smarten up.
Post by Craig Shore
Post by P& Q
Since first spotting Smith's post this morning i've taken the trouble to
phone a few people and to read the Blog . I'm surprised actually at the
venomous replies to smith . A quick read of the blog shows me that this lot
don't even want to shut ruapuna down, and that the noise ( and the
frequency of it ) IS appalling.
I made a call to a nephew, who plays golf at a reasonably high level, he
isn't a member at Templeton but sometimes plays there in Tournaments , he
said the last time he played there was in a 'Woodward Cup " match and one of
his playing partners texted a friend to bring earplugs down to the course
for him because the noise was so bad. He said that on certain holes they had
to yell to talk to each other.
Oh come on, you really expect us to believe that!
As i've said here before, Ruapuna is under the approach to Christchurch
international airport. The planes are passing low overhead. In the middle of a
race, you can hear the planes over the noise of the cars. Does your friend put
his earplugs in as the planes pass overhead too?
And naturally the noise is going to be a lot louder at the golf course than
Smith's place, it's straight across the road from the race track.
and zoom it out a bit
[yes Smith, I realise you have no issues with the occasional plane]
Post by P& Q
I make efforts not to impinge on the rights of others, I play my radio and
stereo reasonably quietly because I don't imagine for one minute that my
neighbours might enjoy the same music I do . If I want to listen to loud
music I pop my ipod on , I drive a quiet car and i'd never buy a leaf
blower because I know how annoying the sound of them is to others
Better ban Mitre 10, Placemakers, Bunnings etc from selling them too then ay.
A question for Smith too, i'm curious, how does the traffic noise from the
trucks on Main South Road compare to that of the track assuming there is no
2006-11-07 03:43:58 UTC
Post by Smith
I have little interest in convincing Ruapuna users and supporters that
their facility is loud - next you will be trying to tell me that the
Sewerage ponds don't smell - either call out to Templeton when a race
meeting is on or shut up.
Call out when one of their cars that can be heard 4 km away is droning
around the track for hours on end. Call out when a speedway meeting is still
running at 11.30pm. You could have called out last sunday when people in
Hornby had to listen to their wretched noise for over 8 hours.
Not ONE person out here signed up for, or KNEW, that a change from 120 days
to 365 days was in the pipeline, and of course not one of the clubs using
Ruapuna had the good manners to advise locals of their intentions - either
by dropping a letter into the letterbox of those living closest - (
including the Golf Course ) a task that would have taken 10 minutes - or by
placing a notice in the small community newspaper that is delivered to
everyone in this area.
As a City Planner said at a meeting a year or so ago : " it is to our regret
that WE didn't advise local residents of the proposed changes ( in the noise
rules ) ".
As for the main south road - no , generally i can't hear it from my place
,the only place where the Main South Road is quite audible is the stretch of
waterloo road between Barters & Kirk roads and even then its not that bad .
i DO hear the occasional modified car roaring along it , and on cold frosty
nights i can hear a distant rumbling of trucks and trains travelling along
the train tracks - but they come and go - and as many locals say - at least
they're DOING something, besides polluting the place .
I suppose the reason you all rant on about aeroplanes is because they fly
directly over the pits at ruapuna, if you bothered to do some research you
would know that they usually skirt the village and the golf course -
directly above is a LOT different - ask people living in Memorial Ave and
ask people living 500 metres either side of Memorial Ave.
As for the noise on the Golf Course - which I repeat - was there BEFORE
Ruapuna - once again - go stand there when a meeting is being held - you
could have gone out last Sunday and stood and tried to have a conversation
at a normal level - NOT possible - stand there when the PDL classic is on
and when even the club house and the first and second holes are swamped by
noise - now go inhale more ( leaded ) petrol fumes - your so called sport is
looking more and more like a dinosaur - bound for extinction unless you
smarten up.
Now you must have been living there when the Islington Freezing Works
was operational.
Did the smell of their boilup bother you?
And if so, what did you do about it?

And for many years, Operation Deep Freeze high powered LC-130 turbine
engines on the far side of the airport i.e. your corner, for hours on
end often in the middle of the night.
Did you complain to them or the airport authorities about these?

2006-11-07 04:19:58 UTC
One can only assume comprehension isn't a strong point with you - such
stupidity really doesn't warrant wasting any more keystrokes ...........
Post by t***@texas...removethisbit...usacom..
Now you must have been living there when the Islington Freezing Works
was operational.
Did the smell of their boilup bother you?
And if so, what did you do about it?
And for many years, Operation Deep Freeze high powered LC-130 turbine
engines on the far side of the airport i.e. your corner, for hours on
end often in the middle of the night.
Did you complain to them or the airport authorities about these?
2006-11-07 07:39:13 UTC
Post by Smith
One can only assume comprehension isn't a strong point with you - such
stupidity really doesn't warrant wasting any more keystrokes ...........
Post by t***@texas...removethisbit...usacom..
Now you must have been living there when the Islington Freezing Works
was operational.
Did the smell of their boilup bother you?
And if so, what did you do about it?
And for many years, Operation Deep Freeze high powered LC-130 turbine
engines on the far side of the airport i.e. your corner, for hours on
end often in the middle of the night.
Did you complain to them or the airport authorities about these?
Wow you are a scratchy old Buggar aren't you.

Hey, if you have a bitch with one thing, then there's always the
chance you had other bitches in the past and not necessarily to do
with noise ;-)

2006-11-07 10:51:59 UTC
Post by t***@texas...removethisbit...usacom..
Wow you are a scratchy old Buggar aren't you.
Hey, if you have a bitch with one thing, then there's always the
chance you had other bitches in the past and not necessarily to do
with noise ;-)
Yep I hear he has claw marks in places that decent people dont look
Post by t***@texas...removethisbit...usacom..
Follow ups may be set to a single group when appropriate!
| Local 38.2330S, 175.8670E |
2006-11-07 15:56:52 UTC
On Tue, 07 Nov 2006 23:51:59 +1300, Collector»NZ
Post by Collector»NZ
Post by t***@texas...removethisbit...usacom..
Wow you are a scratchy old Buggar aren't you.
Hey, if you have a bitch with one thing, then there's always the
chance you had other bitches in the past and not necessarily to do
with noise ;-)
Yep I hear he has claw marks in places that decent people dont look
I used to live in the area since the mid-1950's so have gone through
the 'development'.

The freezing works was there before we were and yes, it used to stink
like hell when the wind was 'right'.....

2006-11-07 10:50:45 UTC
Post by Smith
One can only assume comprehension isn't a strong point with you - such
stupidity really doesn't warrant wasting any more keystrokes ...........
You mean you dont actually have a valid answer
Post by Smith
Follow ups may be set to a single group when appropriate!
| Local 38.2330S, 175.8670E |
2006-11-07 10:49:29 UTC
Post by t***@texas...removethisbit...usacom..
Post by Smith
I have little interest in convincing Ruapuna users and supporters that
their facility is loud - next you will be trying to tell me that the
Sewerage ponds don't smell - either call out to Templeton when a race
meeting is on or shut up.
Call out when one of their cars that can be heard 4 km away is droning
around the track for hours on end. Call out when a speedway meeting is still
running at 11.30pm. You could have called out last sunday when people in
Hornby had to listen to their wretched noise for over 8 hours.
Not ONE person out here signed up for, or KNEW, that a change from 120 days
to 365 days was in the pipeline, and of course not one of the clubs using
Ruapuna had the good manners to advise locals of their intentions - either
by dropping a letter into the letterbox of those living closest - (
including the Golf Course ) a task that would have taken 10 minutes - or by
placing a notice in the small community newspaper that is delivered to
everyone in this area.
As a City Planner said at a meeting a year or so ago : " it is to our regret
that WE didn't advise local residents of the proposed changes ( in the noise
rules ) ".
As for the main south road - no , generally i can't hear it from my place
,the only place where the Main South Road is quite audible is the stretch of
waterloo road between Barters & Kirk roads and even then its not that bad .
i DO hear the occasional modified car roaring along it , and on cold frosty
nights i can hear a distant rumbling of trucks and trains travelling along
the train tracks - but they come and go - and as many locals say - at least
they're DOING something, besides polluting the place .
I suppose the reason you all rant on about aeroplanes is because they fly
directly over the pits at ruapuna, if you bothered to do some research you
would know that they usually skirt the village and the golf course -
directly above is a LOT different - ask people living in Memorial Ave and
ask people living 500 metres either side of Memorial Ave.
As for the noise on the Golf Course - which I repeat - was there BEFORE
Ruapuna - once again - go stand there when a meeting is being held - you
could have gone out last Sunday and stood and tried to have a conversation
at a normal level - NOT possible - stand there when the PDL classic is on
and when even the club house and the first and second holes are swamped by
noise - now go inhale more ( leaded ) petrol fumes - your so called sport is
looking more and more like a dinosaur - bound for extinction unless you
smarten up.
Now you must have been living there when the Islington Freezing Works
was operational.
Did the smell of their boilup bother you?
And if so, what did you do about it?
And for many years, Operation Deep Freeze high powered LC-130 turbine
engines on the far side of the airport i.e. your corner, for hours on
end often in the middle of the night.
Did you complain to them or the airport authorities about these?
Well done for an ex pat, keep it up
Post by t***@texas...removethisbit...usacom..
Post by Smith
Follow ups may be set to a single group when appropriate!
| Local 38.2330S, 175.8670E |
2006-11-07 15:58:15 UTC
On Tue, 07 Nov 2006 23:49:29 +1300, Collector»NZ
Post by Collector»NZ
Post by t***@texas...removethisbit...usacom..
Post by Smith
I have little interest in convincing Ruapuna users and supporters that
their facility is loud - next you will be trying to tell me that the
Sewerage ponds don't smell - either call out to Templeton when a race
meeting is on or shut up.
Call out when one of their cars that can be heard 4 km away is droning
around the track for hours on end. Call out when a speedway meeting is still
running at 11.30pm. You could have called out last sunday when people in
Hornby had to listen to their wretched noise for over 8 hours.
Not ONE person out here signed up for, or KNEW, that a change from 120 days
to 365 days was in the pipeline, and of course not one of the clubs using
Ruapuna had the good manners to advise locals of their intentions - either
by dropping a letter into the letterbox of those living closest - (
including the Golf Course ) a task that would have taken 10 minutes - or by
placing a notice in the small community newspaper that is delivered to
everyone in this area.
As a City Planner said at a meeting a year or so ago : " it is to our regret
that WE didn't advise local residents of the proposed changes ( in the noise
rules ) ".
As for the main south road - no , generally i can't hear it from my place
,the only place where the Main South Road is quite audible is the stretch of
waterloo road between Barters & Kirk roads and even then its not that bad .
i DO hear the occasional modified car roaring along it , and on cold frosty
nights i can hear a distant rumbling of trucks and trains travelling along
the train tracks - but they come and go - and as many locals say - at least
they're DOING something, besides polluting the place .
I suppose the reason you all rant on about aeroplanes is because they fly
directly over the pits at ruapuna, if you bothered to do some research you
would know that they usually skirt the village and the golf course -
directly above is a LOT different - ask people living in Memorial Ave and
ask people living 500 metres either side of Memorial Ave.
As for the noise on the Golf Course - which I repeat - was there BEFORE
Ruapuna - once again - go stand there when a meeting is being held - you
could have gone out last Sunday and stood and tried to have a conversation
at a normal level - NOT possible - stand there when the PDL classic is on
and when even the club house and the first and second holes are swamped by
noise - now go inhale more ( leaded ) petrol fumes - your so called sport is
looking more and more like a dinosaur - bound for extinction unless you
smarten up.
Now you must have been living there when the Islington Freezing Works
was operational.
Did the smell of their boilup bother you?
And if so, what did you do about it?
And for many years, Operation Deep Freeze high powered LC-130 turbine
engines on the far side of the airport i.e. your corner, for hours on
end often in the middle of the night.
Did you complain to them or the airport authorities about these?
Well done for an ex pat, keep it up
Like in another thread, I lived in the area for many years.
Plus had very close ties to Ruapuna ;-) Shoot I even managed to hit
the fence there once! I was ok but the car wasn't :-(


2006-11-07 04:38:46 UTC
Post by Smith
I have little interest in convincing Ruapuna users and supporters that
their facility is loud - next you will be trying to tell me that the
Sewerage ponds don't smell - either call out to Templeton when a race
meeting is on or shut up.
Call out when one of their cars that can be heard 4 km away is droning
around the track for hours on end. Call out when a speedway meeting is still
running at 11.30pm. You could have called out last sunday when people in
Hornby had to listen to their wretched noise for over 8 hours.
Not ONE person out here signed up for, or KNEW, that a change from 120 days
to 365 days was in the pipeline, and of course not one of the clubs using
Ruapuna had the good manners to advise locals of their intentions - either
by dropping a letter into the letterbox of those living closest - (
including the Golf Course ) a task that would have taken 10 minutes - or by
placing a notice in the small community newspaper that is delivered to
everyone in this area.
As a City Planner said at a meeting a year or so ago : " it is to our regret
that WE didn't advise local residents of the proposed changes ( in the noise
rules ) ".
As for the main south road - no , generally i can't hear it from my place
,the only place where the Main South Road is quite audible is the stretch of
waterloo road between Barters & Kirk roads and even then its not that bad .
i DO hear the occasional modified car roaring along it , and on cold frosty
nights i can hear a distant rumbling of trucks and trains travelling along
the train tracks - but they come and go - and as many locals say - at least
they're DOING something, besides polluting the place .
I suppose the reason you all rant on about aeroplanes is because they fly
directly over the pits at ruapuna, if you bothered to do some research you
would know that they usually skirt the village and the golf course -
directly above is a LOT different - ask people living in Memorial Ave and
ask people living 500 metres either side of Memorial Ave.
As for the noise on the Golf Course - which I repeat - was there BEFORE
Ruapuna - once again - go stand there when a meeting is being held - you
could have gone out last Sunday and stood and tried to have a conversation
at a normal level - NOT possible - stand there when the PDL classic is on
and when even the club house and the first and second holes are swamped by
noise - now go inhale more ( leaded ) petrol fumes - your so called sport is
looking more and more like a dinosaur - bound for extinction unless you
smarten up.
What a load of B.S. I was at last Sundays meeting all day. I certainly have
not gone deaf and was able to hold a normal conversation at trackside during

2006-11-07 10:54:02 UTC
Post by Amgine
What a load of B.S. I was at last Sundays meeting all day. I certainly have
not gone deaf and was able to hold a normal conversation at trackside during
His mileage is different but then again, the old Henery Ford ad applies, "Your
mileage May Vary"
Post by Amgine
Follow ups may be set to a single group when appropriate!
| Local 38.2330S, 175.8670E |
E. Scrooge
2006-11-07 05:02:01 UTC
Post by Smith
I have little interest in convincing Ruapuna users and supporters that
their facility is loud - next you will be trying to tell me that the
Sewerage ponds don't smell - either call out to Templeton when a race
meeting is on or shut up.
Call out when one of their cars that can be heard 4 km away is droning
around the track for hours on end. Call out when a speedway meeting is still
running at 11.30pm. You could have called out last sunday when people in
Hornby had to listen to their wretched noise for over 8 hours.
Not ONE person out here signed up for, or KNEW, that a change from 120 days
to 365 days was in the pipeline, and of course not one of the clubs using
Ruapuna had the good manners to advise locals of their intentions - either
by dropping a letter into the letterbox of those living closest - (
including the Golf Course ) a task that would have taken 10 minutes - or by
placing a notice in the small community newspaper that is delivered to
everyone in this area.
As a City Planner said at a meeting a year or so ago : " it is to our regret
that WE didn't advise local residents of the proposed changes ( in the noise
rules ) ".
As for the main south road - no , generally i can't hear it from my place
,the only place where the Main South Road is quite audible is the stretch of
waterloo road between Barters & Kirk roads and even then its not that bad .
i DO hear the occasional modified car roaring along it , and on cold frosty
nights i can hear a distant rumbling of trucks and trains travelling along
the train tracks - but they come and go - and as many locals say - at least
they're DOING something, besides polluting the place .
I suppose the reason you all rant on about aeroplanes is because they fly
directly over the pits at ruapuna, if you bothered to do some research you
would know that they usually skirt the village and the golf course -
directly above is a LOT different - ask people living in Memorial Ave and
ask people living 500 metres either side of Memorial Ave.
As for the noise on the Golf Course - which I repeat - was there BEFORE
Ruapuna - once again - go stand there when a meeting is being held - you
could have gone out last Sunday and stood and tried to have a conversation
at a normal level - NOT possible - stand there when the PDL classic is on
and when even the club house and the first and second holes are swamped by
noise - now go inhale more ( leaded ) petrol fumes - your so called sport is
looking more and more like a dinosaur - bound for extinction unless you
smarten up.
Plenty of golf courses in the christchurch area for people to choose to play
on. Do you really need a full list of them?

If the noise is too much for you on weekends then it's going to be too much
for you at any other time as well.

After being well established for many years Ruapuna isn't going to be closed
down just to keep you happy.

You can play golf cheap enough in Hagley Park, it's not very likely anyone
is going to be allowed to go motor racing in Hagley Park.

It's a wonder you can't hear the gibbon at Orana Park with the noise that
bugger makes, and all he runs on is bananas.

E. Scrooge
Craig Shore
2006-11-07 07:06:38 UTC
Post by Smith
I have little interest in convincing Ruapuna users and supporters that
their facility is loud - next you will be trying to tell me that the
Sewerage ponds don't smell - either call out to Templeton when a race
meeting is on or shut up.
Thought about that one, but when the good dirt track meetings are on i'm
generally there. I might come for a drive by during the day sometime though.
Post by Smith
Call out when one of their cars that can be heard 4 km away is droning
around the track for hours on end. Call out when a speedway meeting is still
running at 11.30pm.
That only happens a few times, and only on the international meetings. They've
never gone past 12, and it's only been that late due to lots of big crashes that
delayed the racing.
Post by Smith
As for the noise on the Golf Course - which I repeat - was there BEFORE
Ruapuna - once again - go stand there when a meeting is being held - you
could have gone out last Sunday and stood and tried to have a conversation
at a normal level - NOT possible - stand there when the PDL classic is on
and when even the club house and the first and second holes are swamped by
noise - now go inhale more ( leaded ) petrol fumes - your so called sport is
looking more and more like a dinosaur - bound for extinction unless you
smarten up.
I don't go to those races, i'm not really interested in the sealed track, I only
go to the dirt track, and mostly I go to Woodford Glen.

FYI the dirt track (at Ruapuna) has it's opening on Fri 17th (show day night)
with a big fireworks display, so there will be a bit of noise at your place that
2006-11-07 11:04:35 UTC
Post by Craig Shore
FYI the dirt track (at Ruapuna) has it's opening on Fri 17th (show day night)
with a big fireworks display, so there will be a bit of noise at your place that
Might get interested in his complaints if he can prove he had his property
there before the track did!!!
Post by Craig Shore
Follow ups may be set to a single group when appropriate!
| Local 38.2330S, 175.8670E |
Dave Taylor
2006-11-07 10:03:01 UTC
Post by Smith
or by
placing a notice in the small community newspaper that is delivered to
everyone in this area.
As a City Planner said at a meeting a year or so ago : " it is to our
regret that WE didn't advise local residents of the proposed changes (
in the noise rules ) ".
I dislike crossposts, but I am making an exception.

Ciao, Dave
2006-11-07 10:48:35 UTC
Post by Smith
I have little interest in convincing Ruapuna users and supporters that
their facility is loud - next you will be trying to tell me that the
Sewerage ponds don't smell - either call out to Templeton when a race
meeting is on or shut up.
Was the track there when you moved in?
Yep I think it probably was.

Sell up laddy and move, go to (tuis add here ) south africa
Post by Smith
Follow ups may be set to a single group when appropriate!
| Local 38.2330S, 175.8670E |
2006-10-29 21:49:08 UTC
Post by Smith
I BUILT my present house , in the 1950's. Answer this question - your
bullying tone suggests you must be one of those who either drives a car loud
enough to be heard miles away ( ie "i'm having fun and bugger anybody else )
or you're a boy racer ( ie "i'm having fun and bugger anybody else ) -
which are you ?
Was there no town planning meetings et al prior to the original
Ruapuna Racetracks being built that you attended to express your

2006-10-29 22:59:23 UTC
Post by Smith
well I guess i'm lucky - I'm born and bred here and i was born well before
1962 - so gee whiz, that gives me the right to complain about this
appalling noise, it also gives my friends the right to complain .... and
their children too actually
The law also gives the people who are buying into subdivisions around
Templeton the right to complain - and so what ? - Council has given the
noisiest pastime in the world permission to operate 365 days a year while at
the same time allowing subdivision in the area .
any one who bothered to read the blog might see that this noise is
happening every single weekend , and often seven days a week , and sometimes
14 hours a day - this is a case where the noise makers need to be regulated
NOT punish those who have quietly gone about their lives intruding and
imposing on no one.
As for the character below who suggests that people should get out and take
videos of boy racers - how DOES one ( and why would you? ) take a video of
a car on an unlit road travelling at 140-150kmh at night ? WHY would a
person stand outside during the day and take videos of boy racers when
hedges have been set alight, when bottles are thrown at locals , when even
the police refuse to come out because " we're not going to place a police
officer in jeopardy " WHY should locals who have put up with this by
product of ruapuna for two years even have to waste breath trying to ger rid
of them ? Certainly no locals invite them out here, its ruapuna who keep
doing that with their pollutant 'skid fests " and drift racing days, locals
don't see ruapuna out there dealing with their clientele, picking up their
rubbish after events - as the posters around the town say
" remind us exactly what ruapuna contributes to templeton ? - besides noise
I can only assume none of you read the blog , otherwise the question "
Did you buy or rent your house knowing that it was near a race track? "
wouldn't have been asked . But then i suppose educating yourself about a
problem might just be too much to expect - far easier to rely on the old
knee jerk reactions isn't it ?
The Press Editorial on the Blog says it all - Noise from Motor racing and
housing doesn't mix - and while people driving race cars insist on NOISE as
part of the equation then they can expect to be treated as polluters -
mufflers were invented at the same time as the car .
The whole "article" is full of subjective emotional vauge descriptions.

Do you have any noise measurements? Is your house well soundproofed?

your complaints about noise of cars on the street is nothing to do with
the venue, its the people driving them. Loads of people have similar
issues with loud cars driving up and down their streets and they have
nothing to do with any established racing venue.
2006-10-29 23:38:08 UTC
Post by Richard
Do you have any noise measurements? Is your house well soundproofed?
My home is as well soundproofed as anybody elses home - its difficult though
to soundproof a back yard , a paddock, a barbeque area , why not ask if the
drivers of cars "sound proof " their cars ? Why won't they race quietly ? Is
it about competition or is it about making a big noise? If Noise is part of
the attraction then these people have to accept they will be the subject of
more and more complaints - its not 1970 any more - its 2006 and people have
an expectation and indeed a RIGHT to a fair amount of quiet - no matter
WHERE they live.
Post by Richard
your complaints about noise of cars on the street is nothing to do with
the venue, its the people driving them. Loads of people have similar
issues with loud cars driving up and down their streets and they have
nothing to do with any established racing venue.
The complaints about the cars on the road aren't mine, they are from people
living closer - and I agree with them - these cars have started frequenting
this area since Ruapuna installed a $70,000 burnout Pad ( ratepayers
Money ) - then Ruapuna started holding drift racing events , and skid fests
and burnout competitions . A study cited in The Press last week linked
attendance at places like Ruapuna with increased dangerous driving - wow !
what a surprise , and where would most of the dangerous driving happen ?...
right outside the venue arriving at and leaving Ruapuna - don't take my
word for it - sit out there on a local road next time a drag meeting is on ,
or ask a Traffic Police member
2006-10-30 01:30:03 UTC
Post by Smith
My home is as well soundproofed as anybody elses home - its difficult though
to soundproof a back yard , a paddock, a barbeque area , why not ask if the
drivers of cars "sound proof " their cars ? Why won't they race quietly ? Is
it about competition or is it about making a big noise? If Noise is part of
the attraction then these people have to accept they will be the subject of
more and more complaints - its not 1970 any more - its 2006 and people have
an expectation and indeed a RIGHT to a fair amount of quiet - no matter
WHERE they live.
Whether it's 1970 or 2006 makes absolutely no difference to the noise.
In fact you'll find that over that period the the various motorsport
organisations have introduced noise limits for the classes they
administer. Therefore the motorsport noise problem will have diminished
- what has obviously changed is that you've become a grumpy old fart.
Chris Wilkinson
2006-10-30 06:58:51 UTC
Hi there,
Post by EMB
Post by Smith
My home is as well soundproofed as anybody elses home - its difficult though
to soundproof a back yard , a paddock, a barbeque area , why not ask if the
drivers of cars "sound proof " their cars ? Why won't they race quietly ? Is
it about competition or is it about making a big noise? If Noise is part of
the attraction then these people have to accept they will be the subject of
more and more complaints - its not 1970 any more - its 2006 and people have
an expectation and indeed a RIGHT to a fair amount of quiet - no matter
WHERE they live.
Whether it's 1970 or 2006 makes absolutely no difference to the noise.
In fact you'll find that over that period the the various motorsport
organisations have introduced noise limits for the classes they
administer. Therefore the motorsport noise problem will have diminished
- what has obviously changed is that you've become a grumpy old fart.
I think perhaps Smiths real issue is with those coming and going
from the track meets, who in many cases drive as aggressively
and noisily as cars on the track. Boy racers in some cases need
their exhausts 'quietened', and I can recommend quickset foam filler
carefully and quietly injected into the cold muffler. That will
reduce the noise output of the vehicle dramatically, and also its
ability to run at all...
Kind regards,

Chris Wilkinson, Brisbane, Australia.
Anyone wishing to email me directly can remove the obvious
spamblocker, and replace it with t p g <dot> c o m <dot> a u
2006-10-30 07:34:28 UTC
Post by Chris Wilkinson
Hi there,
I think perhaps Smiths real issue is with those coming and going
from the track meets, who in many cases drive as aggressively
and noisily as cars on the track. Boy racers in some cases need
their exhausts 'quietened', and I can recommend quickset foam filler
carefully and quietly injected into the cold muffler. That will
reduce the noise output of the vehicle dramatically, and also its
ability to run at all...
Then Smith should stop attacking the track and spend the time to work
out who he has a problem with. Unthinking whingers like Smith do
immeasurable harm to motorsport as a whole, and as such I have
significantly less than no time for them.

I can vouch for the effectiveness of self-expanding foam for quietening
exhausts - I've used it on occasion for exactly that purpose (and the
clown next door is due another dose in the near future).
2006-10-30 08:14:48 UTC
No. EMB . people like YOU do Motor RACING immeasurable harm , your earlier
threat to make even more noise than you already do is a good example.
I, and many other residents here DO have a problem with Ruapuna in general,
we never USED to , but i'm afraid that 365 days a year is just TOO GREEDY.
No matter how you phrase it, no pastime, hobby, interest or "sport" is that
important that the homes & lives of ratepaying residents are invaded by your
noise on such a regular basis.

Now, not only does the place pump noise into our community on a daily basis
but many of the clientele you attract / solicit have caused untold problems
in the local area . e.g : hedges set alight, letter boxes trashed, verges
on properties carved up by idiots doing donuts after drift racing events ,
speeding cars, race cars practising on local roads , good grief, we even had
a Drag Car end up on the Golf Course one day , ( talk about Mickey Mouse )
... and you reckon I am doing motor racing harm ! ..and then there's the
speedway driver watched trying to stand straight enough ( drunk as a
newt ) to get the key into his car outside Speedway ( 2005 ) , of course he
didn't notice the local couple stopped to watch him in their car, and
apparently he's very VERY lucky that they didn't have a mobile phone, when
they got back from calling Police he'd gone ( along with his trailer & race
car ) - and you say i'm causing immeasurable harm ?
This township & Ruapuna USED to live in harmony but 365 days took away any
balance we had between noise & peace and quiet and now locals are asking "
what exactly DOES Ruapuna do for this area ?".
Post by EMB
Post by Chris Wilkinson
Hi there,
I think perhaps Smiths real issue is with those coming and going
from the track meets, who in many cases drive as aggressively
and noisily as cars on the track. Boy racers in some cases need
their exhausts 'quietened', and I can recommend quickset foam filler
carefully and quietly injected into the cold muffler. That will
reduce the noise output of the vehicle dramatically, and also its
ability to run at all...
Then Smith should stop attacking the track and spend the time to work
out who he has a problem with. Unthinking whingers like Smith do
immeasurable harm to motorsport as a whole, and as such I have
significantly less than no time for them.
I can vouch for the effectiveness of self-expanding foam for quietening
exhausts - I've used it on occasion for exactly that purpose (and the
clown next door is due another dose in the near future).
E. Scrooge
2006-11-03 19:42:22 UTC
Post by Smith
No. EMB . people like YOU do Motor RACING immeasurable harm , your earlier
threat to make even more noise than you already do is a good example.
I, and many other residents here DO have a problem with Ruapuna in general,
we never USED to , but i'm afraid that 365 days a year is just TOO GREEDY.
No matter how you phrase it, no pastime, hobby, interest or "sport" is that
important that the homes & lives of ratepaying residents are invaded by your
noise on such a regular basis.
You can't claim that you don't notice the noise when it's just at the large
weekend motor race meetings which will never be stopped.

Just move your arse to a more peaceful 90% part of the country. Only people
who don't mind motorway traffic, trains, and motor racing should live in

Templeton doesn't have a damn thing to offer to anyone except for being
close to Ruapuna. You have to go to Christchurch to do any real shopping,
you don't even have a supermarket in your little one horse town.
If you think that Templeton is the best part of the country then there must
be something seriously wrong with you, trouble is that Templeton doesn't
even have a Hospital to try to help you, and most like doesn't even have a

Apart from being handy to a great motor racing circuit just what the Hell is
so great about living in Templeton that offers next to nothing?

E. Scrooge
2006-11-03 20:19:11 UTC
Actually this 'nasty racetrack' is the only reason I've ever heard of
Templeton in the media or online aside from institutional closures for
residential care (ie Templeton).

You should be pleased with this wonderful opportunity to have your
place of residence being a hot topic, usually it's about something dull
like advertising a city centre, now you have Templeton on the map
(other than as a way-point on the state highway).

so to you complainers out there, bah humbug!

Post by E. Scrooge
Post by Smith
No. EMB . people like YOU do Motor RACING immeasurable harm , your earlier
threat to make even more noise than you already do is a good example.
I, and many other residents here DO have a problem with Ruapuna in general,
we never USED to , but i'm afraid that 365 days a year is just TOO GREEDY.
No matter how you phrase it, no pastime, hobby, interest or "sport" is that
important that the homes & lives of ratepaying residents are invaded by your
noise on such a regular basis.
You can't claim that you don't notice the noise when it's just at the large
weekend motor race meetings which will never be stopped.
Just move your arse to a more peaceful 90% part of the country. Only people
who don't mind motorway traffic, trains, and motor racing should live in
Templeton doesn't have a damn thing to offer to anyone except for being
close to Ruapuna. You have to go to Christchurch to do any real shopping,
you don't even have a supermarket in your little one horse town.
If you think that Templeton is the best part of the country then there must
be something seriously wrong with you, trouble is that Templeton doesn't
even have a Hospital to try to help you, and most like doesn't even have a
Apart from being handy to a great motor racing circuit just what the Hell is
so great about living in Templeton that offers next to nothing?
E. Scrooge
Old Wolf
2006-10-29 09:51:27 UTC
Post by Smith
Summary: There are boyracers in my street so I will try and
annoy as many people as I can until they go away.

God forbid I call the police, or send the police videos of the
illegal activity, or complain about how ineffective the police
are. No! That would require effort.