Oh yes - I don't agree with you so i'll bully you with noise . Why am I not
surprised ? Do you have any idea when the Templeton Golf Course was
established ? I was a member there until the noise from Ruapuna became so
bad that a quiet round of Golf was impossible.
As for your silly little trick question regarding dates - the fact that my
house was here before the racetrack - AND the drag strip - AND the burnout
pad actually counts for nought - the fact is that Ruapuna has become a
nuisance, the young family around the corner who have lived there for 9
years have as much reason to complain about your infernal noise as I do.
Your "sport" is losing relevance quickly, any pastime that relies on fossil
fuels is on a hiding to nothing, your obsession with noise - and with
foisting it onto residents who have no interest in your hobby , shows that
you just don't understand the first thing about living & behaving
considerately ( your fellow polluters in Speedway foist THEIR noise onto
households as far away as Prebbleton, indeed they can be heard on the Port
Hills some nights - what arrogance is that ?)
As for ringing Noise Control - well actually I would suggest that there is
no point and I certainly don't bother , nor do my neighbours , N.C are
interested only in flags that make noise.
at the end of the day, all of your facts and figures are a waste of time,
foisting this amount of noise onto a whole community so that YOU can pop
your earplugs in and drive your car around in circles for a few hours has to
be one of the most arrogant behaviours I can think of.
I have to say here that for years I took no notice at all of the activities
at Ruapuna - the occasional Speedway meeting would have me gnashing my teeth
but Ruapuna was only ever an irritation in the distance, now you have turned
into a major pain in the rear and I know that many , many people who share
my community agree with this.
Take your muffler off your car - it would make no difference out here , its
so bloody noisy anyway - and how interested locals will be to read YOUR
comments threatening them with more noise because they dare to suggest you
and your chums curb your noise - bullies indeed.
i can think
Post by EMBPost by SmithI BUILT my present house , in the 1950's. Answer this question - your
bullying tone suggests you must be one of those who either drives a car loud
enough to be heard miles away ( ie "i'm having fun and bugger anybody else )
or you're a boy racer ( ie "i'm having fun and bugger anybody else ) -
which are you ?
Neither. My street vehicle is a diesel Hilux in exactly the state it
left the factory (ie quiet and non-performance). My competition
vehicles are only ever used at racetracks and meet the relevant noise
limits set down by the motorsport authorities.
Incidentally, I was wrong with my date that Ruapuna was established as a
racetrack (I gave the date of the first speedway meeting) - it was some
time prior to 1955 so it quite possibly existed when you built your
house. You however are too dishonest to correct my error when it
weakens your argument.
It's also interesting to see that from 1990 to 1999 the council received
no (zero) complaints about noise. Even from 1999 to 2005 only 10
complaints were received. This shows that the problem is not severe, as
even if YOU personally made every complaint in that period, the noise
only affected you once every 18 months on average.
Post by EMBBalancing out the number of affected residents (10 maximum based on the
complaints) against the number of persons involved in racing at Ruapuna
over that period (tens of thousands) shows that any change in the status
quo would be pandering to a self-interested minority. You'll just have
to accept things as they are and realise that the interests of the
greater motorsport community far outweigh your newly perceived problem
with the long term noise from an established activity.
Incidentally, I now feel very tempted to remove some of the (expensive)
noise minimisation measures on my race car the next time I race at
Ruapuna, and I'm sure that after I publicise your point of view many of
my fellow competitors will feel the same way. Our vehicles would still
meet class requirements for noise, but will be noticeably louder than in
their normal race configuration. It might be time to understand that
you don't want to get into a pissing contest with the competitors -
based purely on numbers we will win every time.