Alan Liefting
2005-09-15 02:46:22 UTC
Vote for the things that really matter
This email has images, but you need to be connected to the internet to
see them. This is a picture of Whale Rider star Rawiri Paratene, who is
supporting our campaign
<> We create the
world every day by how we choose to live. And every decision we make
changes the world.
This Saturday your vote is your voice. Speak up for the things that
really matter and give the Green Party your party vote.
Otherwise you'll be letting other people choose your future.
Please forward this to others you think will be interested - and
encourage your friends to register by Friday and vote on Saturday.
Or why not TXT your friends and ask them to VOTE GREEN FOR THE THINGS
Click here <> to
find out what the Greens think really matters, or read on.
This election you have a fairly simple choice. Aotearoa New Zealand
could be a shining example of how to live in balance, with each other
and on the earth. If that's what we choose to do.
Some parties' main goal seems to be bribing their way to power. Others
are building electoral support on the back of xenophobia and racism.
A party vote for the Greens is a vote for the things that really matter,
such as:
* Making sure we treat this planet like we plan to be here for a
long, long time;
* Ensuring all students get a decent living allowance while they're
studying and reducing their debt for every year they work in this
country after graduation;
* Getting serious about cleaning up our environment so more rivers
are safe for swimming in;
* Challenging climate change and investing in much better public
transport so we don't trash our future as the age of cheap oil ends;
* Scrapping youth rates and raising the minimum wage to $12 an hour;
* Having an independent foreign policy that places peacekeeping
above warmongering.
The Greens TV closing, which you can watch here
<>, delivers a very
poignant message to the track "Time is Running Out" by acclaimed New
Zealand band Unity Pacific.
clip from the Greens TV closing
<> clip from the Greens
TV closing <>
Whale Rider star Rawiri Paratene, who features in the TV closing, is
encouraging people to vote Green.
"The reason I'm a member of the Green Party is because it is the
only party looking to the future, it is not stuck on short-term
goals, They're the only party with a realistic eye on the energy
crisis ahead. And I always vote with the environment in mind."
Help make sure there is a really strong Green voice in Parliament.
And remember, what matters under MMP is not whether Labour gets more
votes than National but which side gets the most votes - whether the
Greens plus Labour get more votes than National and its allies.
So make your vote count for the things that really matter and Party Vote
Party Vote Green <>
Authorised by Russel Norman, 16 Cambridge Terrace, Wellington.
This email has images, but you need to be connected to the internet to
see them. This is a picture of Whale Rider star Rawiri Paratene, who is
supporting our campaign
<> We create the
world every day by how we choose to live. And every decision we make
changes the world.
This Saturday your vote is your voice. Speak up for the things that
really matter and give the Green Party your party vote.
Otherwise you'll be letting other people choose your future.
Please forward this to others you think will be interested - and
encourage your friends to register by Friday and vote on Saturday.
Or why not TXT your friends and ask them to VOTE GREEN FOR THE THINGS
Click here <> to
find out what the Greens think really matters, or read on.
This election you have a fairly simple choice. Aotearoa New Zealand
could be a shining example of how to live in balance, with each other
and on the earth. If that's what we choose to do.
Some parties' main goal seems to be bribing their way to power. Others
are building electoral support on the back of xenophobia and racism.
A party vote for the Greens is a vote for the things that really matter,
such as:
* Making sure we treat this planet like we plan to be here for a
long, long time;
* Ensuring all students get a decent living allowance while they're
studying and reducing their debt for every year they work in this
country after graduation;
* Getting serious about cleaning up our environment so more rivers
are safe for swimming in;
* Challenging climate change and investing in much better public
transport so we don't trash our future as the age of cheap oil ends;
* Scrapping youth rates and raising the minimum wage to $12 an hour;
* Having an independent foreign policy that places peacekeeping
above warmongering.
The Greens TV closing, which you can watch here
<>, delivers a very
poignant message to the track "Time is Running Out" by acclaimed New
Zealand band Unity Pacific.
clip from the Greens TV closing
<> clip from the Greens
TV closing <>
Whale Rider star Rawiri Paratene, who features in the TV closing, is
encouraging people to vote Green.
"The reason I'm a member of the Green Party is because it is the
only party looking to the future, it is not stuck on short-term
goals, They're the only party with a realistic eye on the energy
crisis ahead. And I always vote with the environment in mind."
Help make sure there is a really strong Green voice in Parliament.
And remember, what matters under MMP is not whether Labour gets more
votes than National but which side gets the most votes - whether the
Greens plus Labour get more votes than National and its allies.
So make your vote count for the things that really matter and Party Vote
Party Vote Green <>
Authorised by Russel Norman, 16 Cambridge Terrace, Wellington.