Post by BrentCThere used to one or two bottles every day that we felt were very
suspect :(
Did you ever see the milk bottle cleaning machinery in action at the
milk plant? I remember going through one when I was a kid and the
term 'rigorous steam cleaning' would not be an exaggeration.
Post by BrentCWe certainly never used bottled milk - despite selling 20 to 30 crates
a day of the stuff.
25 crates a day with 50(?) in a crate comes to 1250 bottles a day (Boy
you sold a lot of milk).
1-2 bottles to day is only 0.1% of that total. Put in that light your
contaminated bottle figures could be right. But then, you are
assuming that those doubtful bottles weren't weeded out at the
reprocessing stage. You are assuming the cleaning process was
My main concern as a consumer has been with chipped bottles (the chip
not visible until you remove the foil lid). I always doubted that
the foil seal worked properly with those bottles.
Post by BrentCPlus - milk should not be stored in a clear container in any sort of
light - when buying - always get the milk that is in shadow in the
Including those clear plastic containers?
I must admit I've be caught. Milk bottles have a best before date
stamped on the lid, but I have bought milk that tasted 'off', well
before that best before date. I don't mind picking up the front of
the fridge bottle when I intend to use the milk 'that morning', but I
usually reach to the back of the milk fridge when buying a second
My dairy has a 'beverage fridge' with a window, but I always put the
'off' milk down to it sitting on the back of a non-refrigerated milk
truck for too long before it was delivered to the dairy in the first
place. I had a cousin who worked in the dairy industry for a while
and he told me that leaving your milk on the bench at ambient
temperature for a couple of hours would knock around a day off the
shelf life.
I also have the feeling that with the reduction in home delivery
service the dairies are not being served as well either. I have often
had to buy milk due to expire within two days. That indicates it has
been 'floating around in the system' for a week at least which IMO is
too long a time. Furthermore I have bought my milk at the diary only
to find that when I went back for some more two days later I was still
buying from the same batch.
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